So just uncheck the Fast Startup option and it does not do that anymore.
So just uncheck the Fast Startup option and it does not do that anymore.
When I was researching them I came across some reviews saying they didn’t have great build quality. It is a newer company so it might improve over time.
Don’t have any first hand experience with them though.
Sorry but no.
OneDrive would never back up a Downloads folder, that is just silly with the amount of data it gathers. Would fill up MS servers in no time.
The only folders it may put automatically in OneDrive are Pictures, Documents and Desktop.
Isn’t that because women have had vibrators for decades?
But why? What is the point?
That you can give 2 different files the same name? Because that would confuse the hell out of every regular user. Especially if you work on a network share and have an entire directory full of same named files because everyone and their grandma throws their files in there.
It is almost as bad as Case Sensitive Usernames and email.
Or just disable the Fast Startup option