The horror.
That would almost be as bad as kissing a girl for the first time and then she demands you watch The Notebook, and then the whole Twilight movie series with her.
The horror.
That would almost be as bad as kissing a girl for the first time and then she demands you watch The Notebook, and then the whole Twilight movie series with her.
$6 for that? Not a bad deal.
In other news, its been over a decade since Facebook started selling user data to Cambridge Analytica, who used it to massively target and proliferate polarizing political advertising during the 2016, greatly contributing to Trump’s win and the proliferation of QAnon insanity and general political diviseness and radicalization in the US.
I’d call that quite an ‘experiment’, but sure, Facebook is still definitionally doing a massive psy-op campaign, all the time, with new tech too, yep, that’s bad.
If you go back far enough, you’d be coding the ENIAC via punchcards.
… Or maybe today you could write code on paper and have an AI augmented OCR system try to run it?
I mean, the entirety of Steam’s code could maybe be described as an obfuscated version of
while(true){ print(money); }
Well shit, TIL.
Out of curiosity:
Are there, or have there ever been, either gun fired or rocket/missile fired artillery systems that fire airbursting rounds that litter the area with AP mines, or cluster bomblets?
I know this is and has been done with aircraft, but I can’t say I’ve heard of a cannon or rocket/missile artillery system that does that.
Good luck finding a used one that isn’t barely on its last legs from being poorly OC’d/cooled, or is just an outright brick that burned out in a crypto mining farm and is now being resold by a shell entity of a shell entity of a shell entity on Amazon or Ebay.
Hardcore KSP players run KSP Realism Overhaul + Principia + FAR/FARC
Takes off the training wheels and makes things much more realistic.
Real solar system, scales and values no longer on easy mode, much more complex and accurate physics calculations for orbital manuevers, much more realistic aerodynamics model.
If you can get an ‘Oberth Kuiper’ manuever to work in all that, a NASA employee might actually take at least momentary notice.
I didn’t say these were at feature parity and frankly I don’t care for half those features.
I’m fairly sure you can still set up a TS channel to automute everyone and have that act as a chatroom or chat channel, and I’m also fairly sure you can ping user groups with a pop up or TTS message for announcements, unless TS has radically changed.
You can also set up small html/xml pages per channel if you want to keep some pertinent info posted, and ping people when an update to one of those pages occurs.
There is media viewing in the client itself.
Host an image somewhere, throw it in a channel or server page description.
Yep, there’s no built in, automatic, free image hosting in the chat feed or video livestreaming.
Discord is enshittifying and mtx monetized because it has massive serverside costs from hosting everything, streaming everything, and thus must seek revenue in increasingly shitty ways to pay for it.
They’ll be selling all your data, introducing advertisements, monetizing even more, and moderating/censoring within a year or two of going public on the stock market.
If you want to host a teamspeak server, you pay the basically negligible cost of running your own server, and you make your own rules.
I’d say this is more like pitching a motorcycle to someone who takes the bus to work, but the busses are all getting privatized and will have their fares go up by 500% and they’ll require a blood sample upon every embarkation and debarkation.
You know, apparently this is heresy in Seattle, but I’m not a big fan of Sriracha.
Its… ok?
Too sugary for me.
The Seattle Dog.
Basically, a hot dog with cream cheese and sauteed onions.
Its not as common as it once was, afaik you can only get it from street vendors in a few spots, or maybe way overpay for one at a restaurant or two.
… It is from Seattle, Washington State, USA.
Reminder that TeamSpeak still exists.
Windows, Mac, Linux clients for TS6, Win, Mac, Lin, iOS, Android clients for TS3.
Mumble also still exists, less official support for mobile clients tho.
Used to make $80k a year (before taxes) as Co-Lead of a Data Analytics department.
Managed databases, did analytics (regular, structured and custom one off SQL queries), reporting, general software development (basically my team and IT, 2 or 3 people, were the only people in the whole org more computer literate than ‘can respond to an email, maybe’), API construction/management, process documentation, coordinated with every other team.
I enjoyed the work, loved my team, though the technical and general incompetence of many other employees was challenging to deal with.
As an example:
In doing process documentation with one team, I interviewed 5 different people on that other team, including their lead, and all of them described completely different processes with maybe 20% agreement…
But, then I got assaulted, crippled, lost my job, got evicted, car got stolen, eventually got SSDI payments to kick in after spending a year homeless (my family are abusive and dysfunctional, my ‘friends’ didn’t care) and now live off of about $22k a year, still recovering, still doing PT.
If Elon and Trump gut Social Security, I’ll die homeless and starving.
The place I used to work at was a non profit housing and aiding the homeless, by the way.
Go Team America.
Ok, I want ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ read by Perfect Cell.
I keep fucking forgetting 404 media is a legit news source and I’m not actually looking at a parody news/onion style community.
Currently, each generation of executives doesn’t come from within the company.
This in particular I find to be just the most astonishingly duplicitous, completely full of shit thing about American Tech Corps.
They are masters of lying to you and telling you that if you work hard, perform well, blah blah, you’ll adcance through the ranks.
All outward oriented ‘how to be a good employee’ type media propaganda says you need to be loyal and stop job hopping.
All these motherfuckers job hop all the fucking time and they know they do!
EDIT: After a decade in the tech industry, I got assaulted and just give off of disability now, basically in poverty.
There is literally no amount of money you could pay me (lets be real, promise to pay me and then not actually pay me that much) to get back into the tech industry.
My QoL is 100,000x improved not having to deal with the constant deceptive office politics, utterly incompetent managers and useless projects.
You’re 100% right about ‘what even is a career path’.
They don’t exist.
Barring super basic stuff like an A* or whatever to be a basic network techy, certs are required or desired certs are constantly changing, as are required skillsets and experience in general.
None of the HR people that write job descriptions have any clue what the words theyre using mean.
They kept inflating ‘required years working with X program or language’, and everyone just started lying on all their resumes.
The hiring process is a theatre of the absurd.
I haven’t had a dream I remembered in years, but I do distinctly remember a dream I had as a kid.
Some… Dr Suess book? Features basically an animated, living pair of pants.
The night after I read it, I basically had a horror movie dream (hadn’t seen any horror movies yet)… basically I tried to open my dresser and get ready for school, the pants burst out of the dresser, knocked me over, and I ran through an infinite hallway with the pants chasing me.
In summary, my Freddy Kruger is a pair of jeans.