So far I have yet to hear about another car maker making a car that locks the doors in a fail deadly way, or another car manufacturer that requires dismantling the interior to get to the emergency door opener…
Then you have the Cybertruck, a vehicle so insanely dumb that only a ketamine fueled bender with a group of yes men could have created it, I mean it can’t really be used or the finnish is runied.
That is just not comparable to other car makers.
I drive a 2021 Seat Leon PHEV, I like it, but I am no fanboy for Seat or any other VAG brand, we don’t need fanboys, we need critical thinking, and if a cars doors was reported to fail deadly, I would not buy that car, regardless of how excellent it may otherwise be.
My manager is on paternaty leave for half a year, it is normal here, he is a dad after all!