The very short version: it is madness to continue transferring the running of European societies and governments to American clouds. Not only is it a terrible idea given the kind of things the “King of America” keeps saying, the legal sophistry used to justify such transfers, like the nonsense letter the Dutch cabinet sent last week, has now been invalidated by Trump himself. And why are we doing this? Convenience.
That antivirus software you and your gov installed on every machine out there, that scans every file when it’s closed, to “ensure it’s not carrying a virus.” That one.
Who makes it? In America, you say?
No, not Defender; but let’s talk about that too. Who makes the OS and crucial apps your local council uses? Muni, Region, Federal – all Microsoft, Splunk, Solarwinds (even after they were super-pwned), Checkpoint, Office, Azure. All American? Really?
If we put TP-Link and RedFlag Linux and Kaspersky and Huawei on do-not-buy lists for privacy and espionage concerns, tell me how we’re reacting to the risky new path of the US government and its Krasnov operative.