Hi everyone, I am running truenas scale on a modest home NAS. I have got some of my services tunneling to some subdomains via cloud flare zero trust and it seems to be fine. I am looking for advice on how to self host a blog and if I can continue that same method. It would be great to run it to the main domain instead of a sub domain, but honestly I don’t care too much. I expect none to very little traffic. I am looking for an app that I can run relatively easy and makes blogging for myself (images + text) as frictionless as possible. I am having trouble finding a guide for this and any that I do are on running much older versions of truenas scale.
I have heard good things about Ghost but couldn’t get it installed properly. Is Wordpress my best bet? I read somewhere that it can be sketchy opening up Wordpress to the internet so I am apprehensive. Any advice?
hugo on GitHub pages for me, but you can also run Hugo locally and use code-server to update it
Another option that has not been mentioned yet is WriteFreely https://writefreely.org/
I use this, it’s fine, but development on the open version is very very slow.
And they still haven’t fixed my pet bug: they introduced Unix socket listening, I found that enabling it prevented upgrades, reported the bug with details and repro, and nobody cares. The workaround is simple, delete the socket file before every start. But I remain confused why a bug that prevents upgrades remains.
Pelican - static site generator is very simple
Check out GetSimple. It’s a flat file system (so no database to mess with) and can run with just basic PHP (though it’ll guide you through installing modules if you want fancy urls, etc). Super easy to set up. I’ve been using it for years without a hitch.
I have grav for a super basic site and blog I never update. Its like flat files of text you can just edit i also use cloudflare tunnel for it
I use ghost and can totally recommend it. I installed it in 5 min. via docker compose in combination with mysql.
The fact that it is low on resources, has tons of features and easy code injection, makes it perfect. WordPress is bloated with to much nonsense. If you want to see a good ghost example: https://itsfoss.com/
PS only unnecessary are these stupid Twitter and Facebook integrations but they can be deactivated.
If OP uses docker, I would share my compose.yml if wanted.