I’m planning to go to a rural spot that has a Bortle class 3 night sky around Southern California. Can anyone recommend a beginner friendly telescope with decent magnification for around $200? I’m not interested in using an accompanying smart phone app to go with it either. I’d like to see nebulae and galaxies the most. Thank you.

  • th3raid0r@tucson.social
    5 days ago

    Agreed on aperture fever. I find 10" the largest manageable size unless you get an Obsession Ultra Compact for $$$$$.

    Didn’t really consider binos for OP since viewing anything more than 45 degrees up is a pain without a proper mount. A dob is easier to use near the horizon than using a bino to view straight upwards.

    • conditional_soup@lemm.ee
      5 days ago

      Yeah, I find that 60 degrees is about my comfort limit ATM, but I’m also guessing that there’s not going to be too much that’s very impressive and amenable to binoculars near the Zenith by the time they head out. Maybe the Leo triplet? Idk, Orion and Canis Major will be much better targets for low power, IMHO.