Because he didn’t know about ISO8601. The only correct date format, especially in Canada.
My favourite is when you’re reading documentation for an API or an SDK or whatever and the examples show things like “2024-05-05” as the date where they’re both the same number and you can’t discern it at all. Like, use Halloween or Christmas or something as the date so it’s always obvious, eh?
YYYY-MM-DD crew checking in
ISO-8601 is the only true time format. Big-endian all the way, baby!
"What. No it’s month first,” responded his girlfriend Christine. The couple subsequently got in a huge fight and broke up, meaning their relationship only lasted from 10/01/2023-05/03/2024, with neither knowing if that is 6 months or over a year.
What a good line 😂
The Beaverton is great.
I didn’t know it was called ISO8601 but I started naturally using it at work. It removes confusion among international colleagues, makes it way easier to sort data, and is also good for version control of docs.
ISO8601 is great and all, but even without a common standard, I feel it should either be largest to smallest unit, or smallest to largest. YMD or DMY. Anything else is just asking for misunderstandings.
YMD is the way to go, because it auto-sorts on a computer.
Even when you tuck on the time, or would you prefer 59:46:13-14:10:2024 :-) ?
Are computers the most important thing?
Usually when I read a date I hardly care about year, because most events I read about are within a year
Leaving aside the problem that you are choosing a date system depending on who is using the dating system and for what purpose, under that condition the most logical would be MM/DD/YYYY, which is truly terrible, so I’m going to politely ignore your argument.
Well that throws out DD-MM-YYYY because it’s second smallest, smallest, fourth smallest, third smallest…
Heh… not what I meant, but technically correct
The rest of the world’s date system is most certainly not DD-MM-YYYY.
Care to elaborate? In my part of the world it absolutely is, with only some confusion sometimes caused by American dates
Large parts of asia (and prob some elsewhere) use YYYY/MM/DD
I.e. 2024-10-13
Wait, is that the thirteenth of October, or Smarch 10th?
It’s obviously the 10th of Gormanuary.