This post was reported for being a news article not a shower thought. Also it seems like several of the comments are concerned that it is political.
There isn’t a rule against posting a link. The article does seem relevant and OP’s thought isn’t taken from the article, it seems unique, like something you might think of in the shower after reading the article.
There isn’t a rule against political posts. Many posts have some component of politics to them.
Thank you all for being civil with each other. Thank you all for commenting and reporting when think something is pushing the limits on what should be considered a “shower thought”, it’s an abstract concept, so social pressure is helpful in shaping the community. I try to error on the side of being permissive.
As always, I am open to feedback.
Edit: spelling, ironically
He’s to politics what submarines are to aviation.
And, with any luck, when he finally implodes he’ll take a few billionaires with him.
those spam/scam emails[sic] with intentional misspellings
… like ‘emails’? Do your ‘emails’ have ‘datas’ in them?
What are you on abuot
they’re saying “email” is the plural of “email,” and saying “emails” is like saying “datas” as the plural of “data,” which is weird since “emails” is definitely valid.