Yes, I know that calling it “mouse DPI” is technically incorrect.
It already exists, and you may know it as Diopter
You don’t have to keep the measurement that way up - e.g. fuel economy in europe is litres/100km, which is flipped compared to miles/gallon.
So 400dpi = 63μm for example.
I never thought about this idea, but like it very much! It’s like with semiconductors where you got different nm-technologies.
My laser cutter software has DPI and line spacing. E.g. 0.1mm is 254 DPI.
Decimeters are almost always superior to cm. Like in this case, dots per decimeter is basically “If you drag your mouse across your mousepad, how many ticks did it record.”
Weren’t it DPC as in Dots-per-cm?
This is actually a good idea. I have considered “/cm”, “pcm” (per centimeter) and “cpcm” (counts per centimeter), but they don’t look right in my opinion.
Im confused, why would “dots per inch” become “per cm” instead of “dots per cm”?
Dots are spiritually unmetric
They’re spiritually undimensional
I’ve been using cm/360 for awhile now.