Not my story but from my boyfriend. In English class they were supposed to write a review about a movie. He wrote a negative one about The Last Airbender from M. Night Shyamalan. First she argued that “iceberg” is not an english word (this took place in Germany) and that he should instead use “icy mountain” they had to look it up in a dictionary to convince her otherwise and then she took points away because “why would you write a review about something and not recommend it”.
I agree. It’s a loan word from Dutch and after 200 years, it’s about time you give it back.
I’m german I can only offer you Eisberg
My partner had a physics teacher tell her water can’t get hotter than 100C.
Not a teacher, per se, but the senior dev on my old team once said something that left me scratching my head. We were trying to troubleshoot an inconsistent bug in our software, and I said, “Maybe it’s a race condition,” to which he replied, “There’s no such thing.”
Still trying to figure out what he meant by that.
Dude only ever wrote single threaded software, that’s his secret sauce to avoid race conditions
Our physics teacher and our chemistry teacher had an ongoing civil riff on whether or not electrons exist.
We’d hear one side of the argument in Chemistry and then parrot it to him in Physics, and he’d give us a rebuttal and we’d parrot it back to her in Chemistry. This went on for about two weeks.
Looking back on it, I’m pretty sure they discussed it in the staff room beforehand, but at the time it felt like a real smackdown.
Only boring people get bored.
Utter nonsense but it was said to my boy by a junior school teacher. Was an interesting conversation when I talked to her at parent teacher day.
Sounds like the words of a boring teacher who’s incapable of meaningful self-reflection as to what they could maybe improve upon
College professor saying open source software is shit since “everyone can modify it”