Hell, if they genuinely do that, I might even consider switching sides.
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Hell, if they genuinely do that, I might even consider switching sides.
You had me at “run Doom”.
You lot had some shite managers. All of mine have been great. Well… almost all of mine…
I keep getting error 429. Any chance you remember the basics and can share a summary?
And "piracy’ is critical for cultural and data preservation.
It is possible to increase the average of anything by eliminating the lower spectrum. So, just be careful what the you wish for lol
Yeah, you do!
This is amazing! Using LICs is pretty ingenious considering the pure use case of an ereader.
With a Dremel free-hand???
If you don’t know, count yourself hella lucky and move on with your day.
It’s a dot org site, by the way. The dot com was malware at one point, so just be careful.
Edit: the dot com seems to no longer be registered, so I guess you don’t have to be that careful anymore lol
The “some reason” is that it was cool, modern, hip, and cutting edge.
Answer: Microsoft bought it.
Aw man! The colloquial history was wrong. Sorry about that, mate. The pinto took design factors from the Mustang Gen I. After the Pinto failed, the Mustang II took design factors from the Pinto. However, the colloquial history of one being a reskinn of the other is utterly wrong. Good story, though haha
Jeff bezos probably
Absolutely gorgeous!
I agree, the left is the coolest looking, but the right is amazing still!
The boxy Prius wannabe? A lot. The real Prius, nothing. It’s a rather nice vehicle, actually (not the box).
Oh snap. I had no idea!
Must be Ford Prefect within a couple days after being stranded on Earth. The only logical way they don’t know about branded clothing.