You will like it, Sweden has a nice relaxed working culture where we actually care about how people feel at work.
Looking for an alternative to reddit
You will like it, Sweden has a nice relaxed working culture where we actually care about how people feel at work.
Trump and Musk are mentally unstable, thats a fact… So…
There is no wisdom in war.
Athena (goddess of wisdom and war, strange combo).
I mean, people were fine without social media before, I dont think we need those. :) At least not the big tech ones.
The Volvo EX30 looks good as well but its super plastic and low quality inside. This car will probably follow the same pattern since they need make money on these ones too.
My instance has the same attitude. But of course its easier when being small with hundreds of users rather than thousands.
We have this, crap copied from twitter or crap copied from reddit. Take your pick. :)
To be serious for a minute, I do wish there was more discussions and not just circle jerking. Its funny how everyone left the big platforms but still discusses the exact same things.
Sure but they have all the power to influence what happens.
Kingdom of the billionaires.
I don’t think it will become popular. People will continue to use terraform since it’s not only the default, but also better in all ways.
We will probably see tofu be abandoned in a year or two.
I actually don’t agree, and the reason is - non tech people. You and me can install plugins but ordinary people don’t do that. So the default experience must be good, offering improvements to the experience over Google Chrome.
Otherwise all privacy features could also be plugins. Imagine if that was true. Firefox would have no identity and you would have to install plugins and make it your own.
So some features should be built in. Maybe the ability to get pop-ups about false reviews will actually make users go “wow that is so useful”.
People pay every month but most don’t use the sub to it’s full value, and forget how expensive it becomes over the years. And you don’t own anything on a subscription, you just borrow it.
Also trial periods that prolong automatically into subscriptions.
185 comments are mine! :)
And 7 posts…
To the moon!
Also think about how many more lurkers there are. There are many more lurkers than people making posts and comments.
Meh. These stats are so flawed. Its like 5 servers having most of the users.
Its like pretending we have this amazing distributed network when its actually extreamly centralized.
But im happy Lemmy is growing, its good.