I’m quitting my job, taking on all the debt I can, and spending the remaining two years in as much luxury as possible.
Religion is organised misanthropy with bells and whistles.
Well, Russia understood well how to afghanistanise the Nordic Seas. Now the entire Russian shadow junk fleet is a possible marine IED and sabotage swarm.
Southern Greenland
Brexit was only complex because info wasn’t delivered. Media failed hard.
Nice try, raider. I’m staying in the vault.
Original titeling is bad. “Hungary announces food profit-margin cap after supermarket boycotts”, would be less emotionalised, IMO.
As a German, I would not want German to become a language of communication within Europe. The comparative political power of Germany within the EU is already too high, smaller Eastern and Southeastern EU members already have had to form alliances like Visegrad.
Ireland being the only country with English as major language within the EU makes English actually a more neutral language than languages of the populous countries. One could call it European English.
Maybe Sámi languages, Basque and Maltese could come together and form the most distinct language that is most neutral? /s
Aren’t the Yankees using HK 417 or smth like that too?
Also what is everyone rambling about with all the personal weapons? I remember that they were already unhappy about them when i was in kindergarten.
Are you phallomorphing circuit diagram symbols?
You can’t. They will give you pon farr
deleted by creator
Robert Sternberg saw three main elements in hatred:
- a negation of intimacy, by creating distance when closeness had become threatening;
- an infusion of passion, such as fear or anger;
- a decision to devalue a previously valued object.
The front-facing fist 👊: Threatening, intense, replicable (most people have hands)
The down-facing knife 🔪: sharp, cold, calculated
There are also very specific symbols of hatred, like the swastika and the Nazi salute, white-hooded robes and burning crosses, the flag of the Daesh, the Z of the RAF for the West et al., but all of those are tied to certain ideologies and cultures and might not make any sense outside of relevant situations.
Vietnam had helicopters flying away, Afghanistan had those bumblebees and Ukraine will have drones flying away after someone’s defeat.
Vulnerability not, but sympathy misunderstood for empathy will. I don’t think German Gen Z doesn’t enlist because of vulnerability, but because of culture. German liberal nationalism relies on ‘Never again’ as a mantra of nonaggression; to them the Bundeswehr was always a compromise against the NVA.
Schools until recently told us that conventional war is ‘fallen out of time’, “look at UN, EU, OSCE”.