Didn’t thought about a weak seam either! I find that my 4 mm stitch length doesn’t look good and I wanted to have 1 or 2 mm more.
Didn’t thought about a weak seam either! I find that my 4 mm stitch length doesn’t look good and I wanted to have 1 or 2 mm more.
Thank you very much. You have correctly deduced the sliders, yepp.
Re-engineering would indeed be a fun project and that’s why I was asking for advice.
Stitching by hand didn’t even cross my mind so thank you for thinking out of the box! :)
I understand you know how to change the step length that can be changed now, yes?
You say <2mm to 5mm. My very similar machine can go to almost 10mm but it cannot keep the thread very tight.
I would die for 10 mm. I would be in to adjust the machine while sewing for any step lenght larger then 5 but 10 mm would be perfect.
This is the limiting thing, the machine, every part, is designed for sewing a length of 2-8mm or whatever. A longer stitch step would need a complete change and probably a stronger motor.
I can change gearings, leverages and axles if I understand what to communicate. I am not bound to the current chassis and motor. I can construct a chassis afterwards rezpecting current alignments within nm.
By moving the knob or lever that changes the stitch step length, you will see what is going on.
I circled the change in blue. Leveraging the handle could be the case but axles wind on their own. It is a mind fuc* which can only be put in perspective by Engineers, imo.
Edit: you edited before me!! But I don’t adress it yet, since you explain the context more professionally. Thank you in this regards.
The machine is more then 40 years old. I attached the photo. The right handle adjust the zick-zack-width (I had to adjust the chassis to get it zero’d) and the left handle puts the needle ‘left’/‘middle’/‘right’ in the feet.
I had to cut some chassis on the right handle to the left and adjust the internal screws so that the axle of stitch width is exactly above the front-needle of the geering. It wasn’t exact with a straight stitch prior to this.
I may add again: Me or my friends are capable of changing any axle or gearing to nm but I do not know what to request in the first hand. Engineering is very, VERY, hard… :(
What thing in my machine is limiting my machine step? The rotation on the inside axle?)
I see your point and I just fixed my spelling mistakes for the third time. Please refer to my comment; I wrote this due to an emotion.
It is clear to me that a more powerful motor would not change my step-width. While writing I wanted to offend people.to answer but when issuing the send-button I was questioning my own words - as always.
Hitting two times submit on the summit app may raise two comments. Sorry.
On both pictures I have hands on the clutch. Enlarging the motor doesn’t make sense after reading my own post.
The leverage enable me to fluidly adjust the step-length.
If you explain it correctly, I can do any adjustment but please raise any requirements which raise to you head.
Initial the pictures could not be loaded so I did a comment. I deleted and reused it for this comment.
That’s a projection. I stated that either cultures are mixed or we split by ethics and opinions.
I just talked to my superior about the most urgent thing EU countries are facing currently. I should add that he is 100% disabled but studied in CS and reads everything which is interesting to him and his world view.
When I said that social media dictates the discussions and the media, we agreed on the thought after a short period.
And if we could solve this issue we mostlikely would get awarded a noble price.
What I am trying to say: Social media is run by - at least - flawed people. And used by the evil ones to their maximum, putting the honest Ones into a position to explain.
We are loosing our discourse, we are mixing our cultures - or we split at our ethics.
Social media is a cancer with no current treatment. Civilians will be in favor of social media since it also benefits society directly. But we are diminishing other things with it.
Maybe there will be one more brilliant mind educated who may aid us in these times.
Thank you for your kind words and objective perspective.
I will be more sensible the next time and I took my lesson. Thank you for elaborating clearly!
Thisnis slightly out of context. I told to (politely though, I thought) RTFM because the acronym should have been known in this channel. Though I have missspelled it and therefore his question was valuable critique.
I know that’s why I made this post: My hopes were high up and I payed the price. So I shared my experience.
Appreciate your follow up, Sir or Madame.
They claimed 28 Hours of no connectivity video playback with a moderate amount of brightness (if I recall correctly about 50%). It may get there half (Windows or Linux) but you will be at 0% left.
Idk why I get downvoted for this.
I am transparent and sharing my experience. I almost paid $2000 dollar for my dream and contributed as best as I can.
TIL: Don’t fk post.
// Edit: But prompt your confusion. You may get insight.
I’ll be honest, this sounds interesting, but I have no idea what you’re even trying to say.
I am just sharing for the community. And I want some nerdish engagement tbqh.
Where does the $2700 price come from?
It was the manufacture price when I purchased it.
Does it support Linux or not?
It does but there are a few important things lacking. Also it isn’t stable without reading up on LKMS upfront and knowing what to do. Not all distros are capable of booting it yet (e.g. void).
Are you happy with it or not?
I poured ~$1200 to Qualcomm/Lenovo and they are employing one worker from one sub company. Interpret it on your own.
What’s LKMS?
RTFM. // Edit: I missspelled. LKML. I edited my post. Appreciated.
I’m really struggling to even parse the basics from your post.
I am open for sharing my insights, though : )
I fear this may be the case but since I am not an engineer thought about pulling some opinions here thumbsup