Which type of music do you like?
Any leftist/Marxist/LiberationTheology type songs that you like?
A person who’s from r/ലാൽ_സലാം and r/കേരള
Which type of music do you like?
Any leftist/Marxist/LiberationTheology type songs that you like?
They probably expect to age and die before it goes off for good
Leftist and awareness programme content
Like, smoking/tobacco is an issue in my country, India.
We had ‘The lung is like a sponge’ awareness short playing before movies and also testimonials of folk who chewed tobacco. Together with stricter enforcement of anti-public smoking laws, I think smoking has reduced a lot.
YT channels
I think you can get rss feeds for them
The channel link has the <channel_id>
Link for Boy Boy’s Channel
Link to rss feed
Isn’t 1984 a fictional book?
Have heard people say online that Inventing Reality and Manufactured Consent are better than that for analysis.
Haven’t read any of those books tho.
Which would be better?
Cool. Which are your fav movies and shows?
If the people have the awareness, they’ll probably not vote like that, right? Unless there’s some greater/immediate concern for them
Then they should smartly increase awareness in the public and make changes, right?
Any free/open online crash courses on it?
Do you want a state massacre of leftists?
I don’t know much of American history, but have heard of McCarthyism n all. They purged leftists based on doubts.
If one tried to take out someone who is now an elected leader, then they’d be doing the stuff they did in Indonesia and Guatemala, mass killings.
From the pov of a human or a cow?
Cow leather is more moral in my pov
Or is it about sourcing it from them after their natural death?
Even then cow leather seems more moral
Thank you. Been thinking about finding good leftist quotes to as my phone wallpaper. Are there more, shorter quotes?
I’m curious about the intro reading list. I’ve tried the manifesto and listened to some audiobooks by Dessalines. Are there newer articles that are recommended, that summarise/improve the pre-existing content? Especially ones that talk about how the things were/are to be applied.
It is indeed cool. Thank you.
Any others, generally ones that speak about policies or outlooks?