Every source I’ve seen has shown rust and c++ to be very similar in terms of performance.
Every source I’ve seen has shown rust and c++ to be very similar in terms of performance.
Swift is decent, one of the biggest .net (c#) people gave a talk at godotcon about whay he likes it better than c#
It works cross platform, it’s just developed by apple
It’s hard to say. “Open core” means that most of the software is open source (licenses vary) but some features are locked behind a paywall. Gitlab takes this approach for example, also maybe onlyoffice.
Servo is another wip web browser, managed by the Linux foundation’s European branch. It’s a little less far along but is making relatively quick progress now. Apparently discord already mostly works, with sending messages currently being a problem.
There are some pretty corporate “open core” software companies tho, that’s a more grey area
Idk if the tech for 3d printers is really more complex. All of the parts are readily available, basically nothing needs to be specially made except the hot end (one single metal part)
The consumer experience for 2d printers worse IMO but that’s probably because I’m stuck on Windows with its terrible printing system
a bunch of stuff involving rotations and dimensions (leading to them being useful to describe waves)
There’s also other things that people probably use more often, even if they don’t know it, like apache, nginx, or ffmpeg
I watched a review of raid shadow legends a while ago, and was unsurprising to see it was a very uninteresting game
the worst order of operations thing imo is with the denominator in division, many people say that 1/4x should be read as (1/4) * x and not 1/(4x), although I think this is usually the less popular option in polls
apparently wolfram alpha does it that way, as well as most newer graphing calculators (TI switched between the ti-82 and ti-83)
Servo is still making quick progress though.