Back in the 90s, all goths were nominally bi. Perhaps things have escalated since then?
Back in the 90s, all goths were nominally bi. Perhaps things have escalated since then?
I suspect Nicole is a similar sort of operation to Aidana the pretty lady dentist from Kazakhstan, only aimed at people who’d be more sceptical. So instead of stealing images from a fitness influencer, they got some from a more average-looking young woman and made up a story. If it’s like Aidana, there’s a guy somewhere (probably in the hinterland of Russia or elsewhere in the former USSR) whose day job is to string the people who reply along, lead them into believing they have a relationship with this lady, make sure they’re absolutely sure this isn’t a scam, and then pig-butchering them for all they’re worth.
If the Hungarian people don’t want to be in the glorious Russian union state like Belarusians, they can do a maidan colour revolution to make their choice heard.
Their hearts would have to beat a lot slower, as pretty much every species gets 1-2 billion heartbeats per lifespan.
The handful of pet Galapagos tortoises are something like that.
“shite” has been a British regional dialect usage for centuries
If the US said outright that it sees Russia as its partner for regional stability, and Poland as falling within the Russian sphere, would PiS snap out of it, or come up with some rationalisation for why this isn’t the 19th-century Russian empire but is preferable to EU gay pride parades everywhere or something?
They could always wear garter belts and suspenders
Looks like buying the Washington Post paid off then
You’re right, it does not make sense.
If Toronto isn’t in Poland, you must acquit! The defence rests.
I do like a good eldritch garf
“web 3.0” was originally a lot of vague but innocuous ideas from the pre-silo era of independent web sites, such as microformats, the semantic web and generally more modular and interoperable web technologies. Then the open web died after Google and Facebook consolidated their grip as one-stop shops, and soon after that, crypto grifters took over the term for “let’s turn everything into a casino”
Do they mean “Firefox can get your location data to pass on to pages you give permission to, who we cannot guarantee won’t share it with advertisers” or “Firefox reserves the right to do a deal to monetise the tantalising firehose of location data coming from your device unless you specifically opt out”?
Imagine if the Chinese put them into reverse and blew everything away
Well, they do have cliffs
Exiting from consensus reality?
Rebuild the Mriya, you cowards
NATO will probably need Ukraine at least as much as Ukraine needs NATO. If Russia invaded the Suwalki Gap or Gotland, beating them back would be a lot harder without Ukrainian expertise. And keeping them out in the first place will be easier with Ukraine on board.
It predates Illuminatus!, which came out in the early 70s. The foundational text of Discordianism, the Principia Discordia, was published (i.e. photocopied and sent out to fellow fringe dwellers) around the mid-60s. Illuminatus!, however, popularised it.
Where else are they going to put the huge, gilded statue of Trump?