Maybe this one: “If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me”.
Maybe this one: “If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me”.
I’ve finally made the choice and filtered trump posts, it took a while to figure out how Eternity does it.
I still watch Late Show and Jimmy Kimmel.
Cool, good to know.
I wrote a script to do backups on a ESXi it uses Busybox’s ASH, one thing I learned after spending hours debugging my scripts was that ASH does not support arrays so you have to do everything with temporary files.
A evergreen quote:
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
In some way I understand Romania, ship those assholes back to the states. And bar them from the country (hopefully), then the assholes are not their problem anymore.
Yes it’s a shame they didn’t pay for their actions, but I expect them to fuck around and find out in the near future.
It took a while for me to get it, but it still read ngnix as “n.g. -nix” in my head.
I upgraded 3 major versions of Devuan with a snapshot between each upgrade, and I have a script running doing hourly/daily/weekly snapshots.
The only hassle was updating grub to boot on the new snapshot, while still being able to boot the old, I had to dig up a boot USB when I messed it up.
Biden! Why did you add tariffs and then remove them again and then add them and then threaten with even higher tariffs. Biden please just stop!
~(FYI this was an attempt on a joke)~