Barely anyone has. Tiny insignificant bunch of cunts.
Far right nutjob, heir to a fairly big company in Sweden, candidate for AFS (Swedish version of the German AfD). Not that I wish the life out of anyone, but I honestly don’t feel very bad about this guys passing.
Pork, porn and booze. I’m sure the boycott by Muslim majority countries you experienced a few years back hit those industries really hard.
If you have two arms, you have more than the average human.
How so? There isn’t a common defense policy in the EU that I know of, so any country is free to support Ukraine as much as they want, as far as I know. Happy to be corrected though.
I’m sure there are some brexit benefits somewhere, but I don’t think this is it. What Orban is doing is stopping the EU doing something together, but he can’t stop Denmark or Poland from supporting Ukraine if they wish to do so.
Public debate is fine. Good even. I wouldn’t support a referendum on the Euro though. That would just be another brexit, where lies and falsehoods are spread and a country being split apart. Let the government do an assessment on the benefits and drawbacks and then announce a policy on what they intend to do, and let’s see how things turn out in the general election.
Well, Greenland was an EU member, but they left. Can’t remember when, but it was before brexit, so the UK wasn’t the only, or even the first, to leave. Possibly the last though, as the appetite for leaving seems to have dropped significantly.
They could do it because we were a small currency, and it it didn’t quite work, at least not the way it worked before. The currency is now “floating” against other currencies which it wasn’t back then, and we had a recession at the time. I agree that Sweden would be giving up a few tools in the economic toolbox, but on the other hand it gains a few others. I can’t say which ones are more valuable because I’m not an economist. I suspect you’re not either.
While that’s certainly true, we also had businesses speculate against the Swedish currency in the early 1990s, driving up interest rates to over 500% for a few days in order to stop the outflow of capital.
So there are arguments for adopting the Euro too. But like I said, I’m not informed enough to say which is better. It’s a very complex issue.
The government has to balance the budget anyway, and devaluing your currency is a bit like peeing your pants. It’s nice and warm for a bit and then increasingly uncomfortable.
Inflation goes up, you see capital fights because you’re not a reliable currency, you increase your national debt, and you instantly make the entire population poorer than their neighbor countries.
So while there are some benefits, most economists argue against it.
I can’t say if Sweden going for the Euro is good or bad for Sweden, and there’s a paradox in asking people about it, because if the SEK is weak then support goes up, but it’s a bad time to join because of the low value, but if the SEK is strong then support goes down, although we’d be in a much position to join.
Not sure if you’re being serious or not, but it’s not about joining in 15 years, it’s that the support is the highest it’s been in 15 years.
If my sarcasm-meter is broken, I apologise.
This is from Italy, hence the Europe community. Not very clear from the article.
Although I understand the need, the re-armament of Europe makes me sad. Imagine what we could have done with all this money. Research, culture, decarbonisation, social programs, housing… but instead we have to use it on ways to kill people.
Sad really.
Daily I think. It’s an automated thing.
You can see some stats here.
Too much work on mobile. It was already annoying to cut out the ads and pictures.
Sadly DeepL is blocked by my employer, while Google isn’t.
Been to Budapest. Beautiful town and very nice people there. That’s where I learned that Victor Orban is also called ‘The Victator’.
I don’t think Sweden is going to turn too much to the right, but I agree that the current trend is concerning.
Get crime under control again and I’ll think we’ll see a left turn. Sadly the people who benefit from the current crime wave are also in power, but I still have faith in most of our politicians. They’re not as bad as they could be, as exemplified by other “leaders”.
Welcome. Where from?
I’d share a peertube link if they had one, but alas…