There is a recent documentary on Prime about her in which they talk about this a lot. It’s very sad.
Previously SecretPancake on Feddit
There is a recent documentary on Prime about her in which they talk about this a lot. It’s very sad.
When I listened to an interview with Maral Koohestanian on Jung & Naiv I was done with this party. This woman was sent in as the top candidate for the recent election by German Volt and she had no clue what their own party manifesto said. She had grand visions but never any specific plans for anything, just basically saying We need to have a talk about this or that and then we will find a way somehow. It was embarrassing.
Markus Söder, leader of CSU and minister president of Bavaria.
Constantly raging against progressive politics and culture like a little child. Always working towards Bavaria getting special treatment from all other states in Germany. He even publicly visited a Mc Donalds right after Trump did. He’s just not as rich and powerful fortunately.
That emoji annoys me more than I would like
I won’t be a father and possibly not even an uncle.
I was gonna ask how they do postal voting then but the simple answer is they don’t.
Bad luck for the people not being visited by the missionaries!
Thanks, that’s what I obviously concluded too.
I was always kinda skeptical but the event that triggered my way out was when I asked my mom how can God expect people, who were raised with other religions, to believe in him instead when they simply have no idea. She said they know about God and it’s their own fault for not believing in him. And that for me was not logical because I knew from my own experience that I only believed in God because that’s all I knew.
But it took a while for me to completely stop believing in any deity or whatever supernatural power because I kept looking for reasons why we exist. Now I don’t care for that. Sure the Big Bang is mysterious and we might never solve it but there is no sense in making things up either. Everything else can be explained by science so let’s just go with that.
If the Christian God wants me to believe in him, he should stop being so vague and contradicting. Turn the moon into cheese. Pluck a mountain out of the ground and float it in the sky. Whatever, he is almighty, he should do almighty things.
Are you suggesting it was the victims fault for getting harassed?
Ghosts don’t even make sense scientifically. There has not been a single bit of evidence because Videos and photos on their own never proof anything. Aliens on the other hand are just lifeforms on other planets. We ourselves are proof that life exists so the probability of more is not 0. We don’t need sketchy photos as proof for that and they will probably never visit us anyways.
Don’t know about you but my fingers are not made of paper.
Toilets seem to be getting smaller and I’m having trouble sitting on it without my penis touching the front.
For someone to push the red button and end humanity once and for all