Is that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxl or is it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl
Is that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxl or is it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl
So have cream pies and punch any child that trys to take it from you. They are small, I don’t see the problem.
Smoking at recess helped me pass my math exams! 5×5 is 20 just like the number cigarettes in a pack of Morleys. And the number years subtracted from my life expectancy! Thanks Morley! For the maths.
I get not wanting to expose people who don’t want it to meta, tho.
Federation, no?
I’m the one haunting him… boo!
Were growing, were learning, were just people, it’s all good.
Hard to get a game of bones going with just a smart phone.
It’s weird how our subconscious wants to revist these things long after the trauma is gone. Like it wants to fight it or subcome to it.
You can have one of mine. I just remember going out for band and being really excited about it. Learning hot cross buns on the clarinet. Being really sick the day of my first recietal but playing anyway. Then I miss a practice. Then I miss another practice. At this point I’m ashamed.
Then one day the band teacher, who I assume was a pretty good dude, coming by and getting my attention through the window of the classroom door. Making eye contact with me and miming playing an instrument and just me shaking my head “no.”
Nice =)
The one alarm clock I’ll never forget was my brother’s promo Surge alarm clock. It would just scream “SURGE” when it went off.
I know your pain. Well, no, but I know a similar pain. Years of getting root canals at the dental school. Years and years of untreated adhd lending to my poor impulse control which would get me in even more trouble. It wasn’t until I became profitable to society that society would invest back into me. Great society you have there. Really.
That’s all you can do, really. Should give you a bit of satisfaction, too, knowing you did something incredibly simple that could prevent a ton of hardship.
Just for the record I hate they gran pappy and he was not fine, the syphilis addled fuck.
So why do Republicans like Jesse Watters say things like, “I’m offended that Canada wouldn’t want to be a part of america.”
No, like I said to start. You’re right. Thanks for sharing your perspective with me.
Amazon employee with no piss breaks listening in on my echo:
“How many fucking cats does this guy have? Just chose one name and call it that!”
Edit: “I don’t know Jeff, sell him a fucking dr seuss book or something the guys mental.”