Elaine ♀ | Made in Abyss and Pikmin connoisseur | Artist
🚫 No AI is used in my process
Me too!
These two are my most favourite! Both alone and in combination! 😃
Teabag, sugar, then water and milk.
I’m not sure how normal this is, largely because this is coming from the same person who pours milk before her cereal LMAO
I died doing what I loved, making art.
Victoria, Australia. I’ve always been weirdly drawn to Australia and I couldn’t tell you exactly why, but I’d love to be there! It’s one of the cooler parts of Australia too!
Last year I finally decided that I wanted to join social media, so I literally just Googled “social media sites” “new social media sites” and “sites for posting art/sites for artists” and I signed up on most of them. Lemmy was one of them!
Aw yeah ASCII art! That’s really cool. I dunno if I’m imagining things but I kinda recognize that character, who is it?
Kind of weird but not in a bad way, just different and some of the pronunciations are strange to me. A comparison to my own:
“Ruff” - “Roof”
“Ben” - “Bean”
“Suth-ern” - “Sou-thern”
“Dee-cals” - “Deckles”
Kinda getting punk vibes from these which I love! I like the white outlines with the first one!
Omg you’re not the first person to say that, but I’m all for it!
I like how smooth that animation is! Very clean style too. Do you use Illustrator?
Love the hand one and the portrait of the old man! I thought the bottle one was digital at first! You did a great job capturing the Photoshop selection effect
No sword swallowing? Just kidding. I appreciate your bravery since you’re playing with fire, in this case a literal sense! What’s the best experience you’ve had?
Thanks so much! 😃 That one was a birthday gift drawing for a good friend of mine! It’s also the longest I’ve ever spent on a drawing! I started it either in late April or early May and didn’t get it finished until the end of June, right on time LMAO
Always happy to see the Fediverse getting more popular! 😃
Nice! What would you say the pro’s and con’s of it are? I don’t know any performance artists personally but I’m interested.
Woah, now that’s a mixed bag! 😃 For the photography that sun peeking out of the clouds one has an almost angelic vibe to it. Is that a crepuscular ray I see? For the chalk drawings, I immediately noticed the Digital Circus characters. That show’s so fun to watch and I have no idea how it’s going to end. I like the bright and bold colours in the digital drawings, I haven’t played Kirby Air Ride in a long time but I’m glad that game still has its fans!
I got into 3D art not that long ago and can confirm each one is definitely a learning experience haha. It’s fun!
That’s a pretty detailed model! I like the gun part the most, very cool. The toon outline effect is also a nice touch. Are the tire treads bump maps or are they actually modelled?
The customer service part… 😂