Some giants have had handheld scanners for a decade… You just grab one as you walk in, scan and pack everything and hand it to the cashier on way out.
They’re really not though, maga fascists, actually believe this is a mere speed bump on the way to the promised land…
Yeah that’s one of the reasons I’ve held off.
But I need to reload Windows, so I figured I’d check out alternatives.
shrug its 12? years old and I’ve never had a issue with it…
Pixel Slate by Google
I got it on a black Friday Sale and immediately regretted it.
For something that is supposed to “just work” nothing just works.
It’s spent the last several years as a very expensive media player. Which it isn’t even particularly good at…
One big issue, is even if they have a “plan” it goes out the window if the show is too successful(or unsuccessful). A 5 season arc now needs to last 6 or 7…
I know Buffy for example had been planned for 8-9 seasons. And then producers were like nope the 7th is it. So they had to try and wrap everything up in one season.
Would you pay $1000 for one? Economy of scales matters…
Plus everyone who did look at them would say it is smaller it should cost less! Even though a smaller phone would be more technically challenging to build. Next you have compromises. No matter what you take out to make it work. People would bitch, I need that! I don’t need this other thing! Next battery life, people complain about current battery life, you think they want less?
I could go on, but I can easily see why manufacturers don’t want to deal…
Because most people want big screens?
I mean, it is simple.
This makes my eyes bleed
Forgot to mention, never the burbs!
I want to either live in the city. Walking to everything, choices for stuff to do, people…
Be in a cabin near a small in the middle of nowhere. With Internet though :p
I actually use it a bunch for setting reminders and it does pretty good at that.