I can never tell if this guy is just a contrarian or honestly loves the taste of boot
I can never tell if this guy is just a contrarian or honestly loves the taste of boot
I mean, Caesar more or less hit it and quit it so it’s got some downsides
No. Double negative rules apply to modifying a negative, but in this context the first DNI should not be considered a negative but a noun in its own right.
First DNI: Men, do not interact with me.
Second DNI: Do not interact with me, misandrists.
The second is not literally the same thing as “men, interact with me” but it can be assumed to mean “I don’t have a problem with men interacting with me.” It is still is not a request for the interaction itself which is what double negative rules would imply.
Tl;Dr double negative rules in English simply aren’t the same as they are in Latin which is why it’s a fake rule, even beyond the usage for emphasis in casual speech.
It’s a screening tool to filter for crystal hoes
These are the people you take life advice from, AskLemmy users
It’s also a good excuse to [redacted and illegal act of protest]
What about the Union of States That Killed The Confederates Again?
Americans honestly think their shitty infrastructure is the best in the world.
Expected, no. Surprised, also no.
Then get a rifle and start practicing instead of imagining yourself as a protector.
Wait, no, that’s a coffee stain. On the screen.
Yeah, a profit cap is a much different beast than a price cap.
That was when they were meeting to negotiate SA not continuing to fuck Russia’s economy into the ground with a trade war on oil prices.
Which does imply they might be convinced to do it again.
Gun-fetishizing fascists like to pretend they’re the “sheepdogs” protecting the flock from the ethnically ambiguous wolves. Or transpeople using public restrooms.
It’s a whole thing, got popularized by American Sniper but Eastwood was just repeating some established propaganda.
It’s dangerous and quite frankly patronizing rhetoric that fits right into that whole 3%er/Moron Abe mindset.
You’ll note the author of that piece, even when trying to be rational and self effacing, just slobbers all over boots as he does it. I’m not going to hold it against a guy who gets it just enough to recognize something that’s toxic and dangerous when he sees it, but that’s also very typically the kind of guy I see at my range and they most definitely do not get it.
Literal sheepdog nonsense ❌
Triggering fascists by stealing their stuff?
I’m torn.
It was a gas pipeline, so it’s more a toxic sludge that makes you want to pass out and die type thing
At least they won’t get cancer now!
This also makes them canon parts of the DnD multiverse
Most restaurant ranch is just the mayonnaise and herbs. It’s not real ranch unless it’s buttermilk ranch.