I love how one of the issues the Imperium has with the Tau is that they keep losing worlds to the Tau because they secede after the dramatic improvement in quality of life vs. life under Imperial rule.
In short, AI is useful when it’s improving workflow efficiency and not much else beyond that. People just unfortunately see it as a replacement for the worker entirely.
If you wanna get loose with your definition of “AI,” you can go all the way back to the MS Paint magic wand tool for art. It’s simply an algorithm for identifying pixels within a certain color tolerance of each other.
The issue has never been the tool itself, just the way that it’s made and/or how companies intend to use it.
Companies want to replace their entire software division, senior engineers included, with ChatGPT or equivalent because it’s cheaper, and they don’t value the skill of their employees at all. They don’t care how often it’s wrong, or how much more work the people that they didn’t replace have to do to fix what the AI breaks, so long as it’s “good enough.”
It’s the same in art. By the time somebody is working as an artist, they’re essentially at a senior software engineer level of technical knowledge and experience. But society doesn’t value that skill at all, and has tried to replace it with what is essentially a coding tool trained on code sourced from pirated software and sold on the cheap. A new market of cheap knockoffs on demand.
There’s a great story I heard from somebody who works at a movie studio where they tried hiring AI prompters for their art department. At first, things were great. The senior artist could ask the team for concept art of a forest, and the prompters would come back the next day with 15 different pictures of forests while your regular artists might have that many at the end of the week. However, if you said, “I like this one, but give me some versions without the people in them,” they’d come back the next day with 15 new pictures of forests, but not the original without the people. They simply could not iterate, only generate new images. They didn’t have any of the technical knowledge required to do the job because they depended completely on the AI to do it for them. Needless to say, the studio has put a ban on hiring AI prompters.
- This is likely the first major outage of the company since Musk took ownership in 2022.
Didn’t Twitter go down multiple times for similar periods of time not long after Musk fired everybody? Or am I just hallucinating wishful thinking.
Plug that random USB stick you found on the sidewalk directly into the server and open up Link_ParkFullAlbum-LimeWire.exe
I don’t know the 5 9s reference, but the two 8s is 88, a Nazi dog whistle for Heil Hitler, as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
There was somebody crazy enough to make an entire game in Blender, I don’t doubt that somebody has at least tried to make a soundtrack in Blender.
I refer to this as the Wind Waker effect.
Before Wind Waker was announced, Nintendo did a reel showing off the power of the GameCube that included a “realistic” (for the time) fight scene between Link and Ganondorf. So when they announced a new Zelda game, people were hyped for a gritty realistic Zelda, and when the first trailers appeared, people hated it.
For years after its release, Wind Waker’s art style was dragged on by people, but today, it’s remembered as one of the most iconic Zelda games from that time period and a major influence on the aesthetic of many Zelda games after it.
Today, its art style looks just as good as it did when the game first launched, while most other games from that time period - especially those that went for high fidelity and realistic graphics - look outdated.
A good art style is timeless and will always age better than trying to push the envelope on graphical fidelity or realism.
No, but he does have a history of racism and supporting/promoting white supremacists.
I’m going to get a good grade in therapy today, a desire that is both normal to want and achievable!
He has a long history of incidents like, “Hey, why are you following those white supremacist accounts on Twitter and promoting their books?” or “Oops, I was wearing an iron cross just as a joke!” and “I paid a dude to yell, ‘I hate Jews!’ as a prank, bro.”
He did more than make fucked up jokes, though. He was pushing white supremacist accounts that he followed on social media at one point to his young and impressionable audience. The proof is in the pudding, as they say, and he hasn’t done anything to rectify that situation one way or the other. Given the evidence we have, he could’ve simply started wearing his iron cross behind closed doors instead of on stream.
Having lived long enough to see the edgy teenagers making 4channer jokes grow up to and have those become their actual beliefs, I believe in Philosophical Inertia. You say something often enough, and it becomes what you truly believe. And until you prove otherwise, I am going to assume that your beliefs continue on that same course.
I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice […]
-MLK Jr. in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail
Fun fact: If you roll your feet the right way when you walk, you can make your footsteps substantially quieter.
Source: Somebody who has accidentally scared way too many people by walking up to them and asking a question.
Same as it ever was.
The only reason MLK didn’t do more was because what they were already doing was illegal, and anything more could get them jail time. And this is still what they thought of him and his “peaceful” protests: