Orientation: Aromantic Asexual (AroAce)
Identity + Gender Modality: Agender + Isogender (Please note I don’t identify as cis or Trans)
Pronouns: Use any, Idc, *mostly doesn’t really matter to me (just not it/its).
I can see how it could be read that way. I just think it is important to point this out publicly so people don’t get to comfortable with that dynamic. When people get comfortable seeing that, it becomes okay to them after a while. It might not have been Mattie’s intention to showcase egging in a positive light, or portray events that happened to her directly.
My math teacher always used to teach that to us, but we learned that it’s not a very good approximation of Pi when she tried to grade our work with a calculator instead of the answer sheet. All of us asked her why we got Ds on the test and she went back and realized many of us got it right according to the book but when she used a calculator it was different because 22/7 is bad approximation.
People should engage in more self-care already. Taking care of yourself is important for health and happiness.
On the other, yikes on that blatant violation of the prime direggtive
Yeah those aren’t great friends, also no one should try to force or coerce someone to transitioning if and when they aren’t ready.
PANEL 2: two other players.
PLAYER 2: Can you just come out already? We’re supportive.
PLAYER 3: Waiting for you to transition is taking forever.
Seriously this isn’t how people who are supportive behave, when and also whether or not someone chooses to transition is up to them and should not be coerced by others. Also like, the whole point of DnD and TTRPGs as a whole is to be someone you aren’t, making characters which are like you is called meta-roleplaying or metagaming and, at least in my opinion it diminishes the experience of the game. Playing characters that are wildly different than you is kind of the point.
OP you didn’t do anything wrong, this is a critique of the characters in the comic, not you.
Heart attack rule?
I recognize this link from the time I was teased and harassed by people on r/Egg_irl, they wanted me to click the button and send them a screenshot of the landing page afterwards and I was gullible enough to do it, they didn’t leave me alone for weeks 😢
Omnisexual , Pansexual
, Polysexual
Anti-Bisexual/Biphobic (represented as Bisexual With ❌ through it)
Anti-Transgender/Transphobic (represented as Transgender with ❌ through it)
Hi, presuming other people’s genders isn’t appreciated here, and violates the Egg prime directive. In addition this whole implication that someone must be trans by associating with other trans people is really gross and toxic to GNC people and allies, and is also not appreciated here.
Please read the pinned post and familiarize yourself with the Egg prime Directive before posting again. The next incident will be a perma.
It is, and that’s why we have the egg prime directive here.
You’re not being oversensitive this post very much borders on Egg Prime directive violation.
Can we please not endorse people to openly and blatantly violate the egg prime directive? Thanks.
Posts must be titled EGg_irl, in addtion posts here must be memes.
Gender stereotypes are stupid and people shouldn’t feel obligated to follow them. It’s 100% valid for people to enjoy clothing and presentation styles traditionally used by women. Wear what you want, present how you want, don’t worry about what is “normal”, “normal” is a stupid term usually only used for the purpose of ridiculing or putting down people who are more expressive than others. It’s completely okay, even a good thing actually to be eccentric and not-normal.
Yeah that was really cringe and not a good look for them. It’s too bad that they’re struggling with mental health and I hope they get better but I still really wish they wouldn’t say such awful and invalidating things about femboys and butch lesbians. Those things end up being hurtful both to GNC people as well as trans people who are GNC and invalidates their identities.
No I don’t want any, I know that I’m dangerously (lethally if you believe r/asktransgender’s disinformation) androgen deficient but I do not want it or the changes they cause.
Ah so Finnster is continuing to be one of those people who thinks being or liking femininity as an AMAB person is a ““sign””. For context Finn made a Tiktok a while back saying they believed femboys wouldn’t exist because they’d all be trans, and that butch lesbians don’t exist anymore because “they’re all trans”.
I’ll never understand why they pivoted like this, they know how this crap feels, they lived through it. How can they do it to others in good conscience?
(Nothing against you OP by the way, this specifically criticizes that regressive behavior from Finnster.)
This is funny, but yeah, super bad gun safety. It’s best to keep it in a holster, not shoved into your pants.
As a note because I forgot to include it in the main article. Some people may say they are egging others as a “joke” or “harmless teasing”. While they may have that intention, it unfortunately doesn’t often come off that way for the person receiving it. If anything it may come off as a practical joke, or a joke at their expense. Something that isn’t funny to them, and that they aren’t going to laugh at. Please don’t egg other people as a joke, we don’t find it funny, they don’t find it funny. Only you find the joke funny, an at their expense no less. That behavior has a name, its Bullying.
That is a simplified way of putting it (It’s actually more complex and nuanced) but yes, that is the gist of it.