@Lost_My_Mind maybe it’s because a lot of our McDonald’s are in central locations where a lot of people live and there’s no parking, so it would be pretty absurd to only allow delivery? Or maybe it’s a competition thing. All the coffee chains do it, and it got really popular over lockdown. The queues in coffee chains can take ages while they’re making drinks for deliveries and pickups - it’s really annoying, but at least it gives another advantage to the independents.
@richardisaguy @Tea sometimes they just come free with stuff. We got given two Google ones when my husband bought a Pixel phone. We were going to sell them on but we never got round to it. You can physically turn off the microphone part though (at least it tells you it’s turned off so fingers crossed) so we use the one with a screen as a digital photo frame (and a speaker) and the other one as just a speaker.