The free market is supposed to make this happen. The problem is that we have also built a system that just generates mountains of junk and e-waste. Because our government is feckless and refuses to actually regulate, ya know, anything with a shareholder attached.
No, the US populace is the town of Uvalde then overwhelmingly voting GOP again immediately following their completely preventable tragedy.
“Learn nothing, be more confident” is our real motto.
Dealers and sex workers should absolutely be pro-labor-party.
“4/5 stabees confirm: Small knife party much preferred to Big knife party!”
These beans do not fly up the mountain
This is perfect
Millennials’ superpower is not looking as haggard as other generations
Scuba, lightning, AND emotional damage. What a night
If Corporations were people, they’d be disappeared in the night for stuff like this.
Which is why they’re not people.
Why anyone would want some Tech company spybot sifting through their private experiences is beyond me, but that’s definitely what they are doing.