Cute art, love the detail of the stake chip being included as an accessory!
Digital artist who infrequently can scrape enough energy to create stuff. I like to escape with art and draw cute anthros.
Cute art, love the detail of the stake chip being included as an accessory!
Glad to see the crowd fired up, Grug just invented it.
You know what they say, it’s Thursday o’clock somewhere.
By reading or storing this this electronic communication (henceforth referred to as COMMENT), you hereby enter a binding agreement with the comment’s originator. You unilaterally grant commenter full and unlimited licence to preform genetic experiments on your body until such time that cat peripherals (I.e. ears and a tail) are formed.
You also hereby indemnify any and all wrongdoing and consequence for anything which may or may not occur in such experiments from the commenter.
You want the third card for the pair you just discarded? I’ll trade my luck for yours if you want it!
Annoying. It’s just full house bait, but whatever pair you choose to discard, you better believe you’ll get the third card for it on your next draw.
Damn you’re out here killing it, meanwhile yesterday I had Cavendish go fucking extinct in two different runs. I didn’t even have Oops All 6s for the second one lmao.
Okay, but if we allow this then that means you are now an unstoppable war machine who can instantaneously rip apart any structure by teleporting into it, and moving those molecules several inches away. Kill anyone in an extremely violent partial teleport, destroy tanks, collapse skyscrapers, the world is your oyster! Being some demigod tier entity sounds too cool compared to the others though, easiest pill choice of your life.
Instant teleportation also would result in the sudden creation of a vaccum at your prior location, only 7 inches away. This cavitation would then immediately collapse in on itself from the surrounding air, and would likely result in some not nice things happening to your body as you experienced that shockwave. I guess you could continue to instantly teleport if the cooldown is basically zero, but no matter when you stop, you’ll always be seven inches away from your latest hole.
Yes it is, especially for smaller, low color count, cartoon style images. No one will ever be able to notice, and you can even import and re-save it multiple times for further space savings for your instance admin! For very large, color rich photographs, this won’t work though. You’ll have to save all of those as PNG. If your camera defaults to JPG, don’t forget to import them into an editor and export as PNG to get your quality back.
“I’m gonna build a game where your stats get worse and worse over time until your character just turns to dust, no matter what!” - Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged devs of this world.
You’re a good Cookie!
Like a weed infestation? Of course, that’s why I don’t my presence!
Believe it or not, it’s the default behavior when downloading an image on Reddit through the Reddit app. Sometimes the worst crop is no crop at all.
Living vicariously through the lives of cats is totally a personality trait! Now if you’ll excuse me I have some important :3c messages to send to OTHERS because apparently YOU don’t appreciate them.
Ethanol Elixir: Grants additional DEF, significant decrease in SPD, AGL, INT.
And then Moses negated the ocean field card by parting the water, and somehow used Change of Heart on the Pharaoh himself, breaking God’s hardening curse and causing him to forfeit the duel.
All down to bigotry of course. For fun, try earnestly writing in absence of pronouns. Perhaps a bit more challenging than expected!
Likewise, those cute little paw pads cats have are a big part of being sneaky too. Remember to put on the paws, it’s important!
It’s like a worse Gros Michel that doesn’t go extinct, with a consistent mult on par with like, misprint’s average. Common is probably fine honestly.