There’s a famous video (I think there are actually multiple ones with a similar concept) where you’re asked to count the number of basketball passes and while you’re counting, you don’t notice a moonwalking bear
There’s a famous video (I think there are actually multiple ones with a similar concept) where you’re asked to count the number of basketball passes and while you’re counting, you don’t notice a moonwalking bear
I don’t even consider that show parody, I consider it Star Trek with a different brand name
I wondered about whether they were still going to have Pleakley cross dress.
I recently watched the original again and was surprised to see he doesn’t wear a dress that much in the original, only in one scene. It’s the sequels and the series that developed his reputation for cross dressing
I’ve noticed the movie where they did that is the only one in its series (the “True Life Adventure” series) not available on Disney+
What about it? I’m not sure if I heard about what you’re referencing
In the end, their attempts to appease both sides pisses off both sides
There is an episode of All In The Family (filmed in the 70s) where Archie is trapped in an elevator and a baby is born there. Offscreen, a loud noise is heard, followed by the sound of the baby crying
Check out Owl House, it has some good bits making fun of Harry Potter
I’d suspect there’s something I’m not being told but I wouldn’t be brave enough to find out
I think the reason for lack of crossovers is each franchise has its own universe with its own rules. If, for example, Harry Potter did a crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, it would be hard to reconcile all the contradictions in how magic systems work differently in the two franchises. The only ways around it are a) travel between dimensions or b) to just not care about the plot holes
He probably literally saved the world, he should really be talked about more
Kill all the chickens before humans had the chance to domesticate them
Because doing good isn’t supposed to be with the goal of being rewarded, it’s supposed to be to help make other people’s lives better. When you help someone by giving them a ride somewhere, it doesn’t make much of a difference to the universe but it makes a difference to that person in that moment
In my personal opinion, the show went off the rails in season 2. I would have liked to see the show end with most of the main characters going back to their lives and taking the lessons learned on the island with them. I don’t like that most of them die on the island. But I’m clearly not a typical Lost fan. I can’t speak for those who liked most of the show and hated the ending.
I think there were multiple versions of it, one with a gorilla and one with a bear