That thing is a god
That thing is a god
If the topic is undesired head hair loss, “bad” appropriately describes the genes that may contribute to that. The discussion is limited by the context to avoiding hair loss, it isn’t a universal conversation on cosmetics
Don’t tell people to RTFM when you present a unique hardware/software limitation scenario.
You said you wanted a chat, so chat about the issue, don’t give the group homework
“the misinformation is popular, despite those involved disregarding it. so I shall believe it.”
Yeah I think the above comment is inappropriately tying the issue to a topic they specifically said wasn’t the motivation
I don’t hold any of that, I just find it the most readable for me.
Hah I love snake case.
I also love python for distributed micro tasks and data pipelining
American here. I’m legit sad that we aren’t represented among our brothers, we lost the right due to our behavior
It feels like we called Grandma a bitch at Thanksgiving dinner and the cousins just threw us out
Edit for clarity: I’m not suggesting the US is part of the EU, instead highlighting that we are distantly APART from Europe now (because of our current behavior) and that sucks.
Final edit: this was either poorly worded or poorly received. This was an American speaking to a generally western, freedom loving shitposting group of planefuckers, where I was lamenting the state of American relations with Europe, and that a group of former allies feels the legitimate need to band together in a time of American fuckery.
I’m sorry some took this as butting in or assuming to be a member of the EU or something. It wasn’t. It was an acknowledgement of a low in relations, and this American’s sadness in that.
Canards are sexy.