But you still can’t say bomb on a plane
But you still can’t say bomb on a plane
The Streisand effect is strong here
The guy that has always constantly shit on electric vehicles is now hocking Teslas on taxpayer time
That’s definitely not Trump’s writing. Not only is it legible and there are no spelling errors, it’s coherent
When in Vienna…
Visiting? No.
Saluting a NK General while you are there? Probably.
Looks like Russia is using buildings and refineries to intercept drones again
Thanks for the reminder that I own DVDs
I forgot all about them in storage
That is NOT what she said
Can’t be
We fucks inside the car
Most Americans feel the same way about their own country
Probably the 241st Transport Squadron
C390 wants to play too
Gutting US sanctions enforcement of Russian oligarchs
Cutting off US military aid to Ukraine
Lifting US sanctions on Russia
Cutting US intelligence sharing to Ukraine
Safe to say these are not measured responses meant to bring a just peace in Ukraine, only Putin’s version of “peace” by which Ukraine unconditionally surrenders
There is no doubt that the US president is a foreign agent of Russia
It’s okay France, most Americans feel the same way too
It’s probably just a coincidence, but the last spring when we visited Chicago we had left millennium park and we’re walking along Lakeshore and had a beautiful walk by the lake.
We got back to the hotel room and the news was on when we turned on the TV. There was a road rage incident where a lady got shot in the head exactly where we had just been
The tone of the reporter and the witnesses seemed like they couldn’t even be bothered to give a description of the shooter’s vehicle or care at all about what had happened.
As if it was the report itself that was bothersome to them
The gist appeared to be “We know they aren’t going to do anything about this so why are we even bothering to cover it? This is such a waste of everyone’s time”
There was absolutely zero detail about the incident in the report
Is that life in Chicago?
How is this guy still alive?
France demands a mineral deal and a thank you