All the software I have is downloaded from the internet…
All the software I have is downloaded from the internet…
Micro soft doesn’t give a shit about windows piracy. They profit from stalking their users.
What is this blog on about?
Am I understanding the pricing correctly that selfhosting it would cost me 1500€ in licensing fees per year?
Nevermind, got it now. It was just presented confusingly.
The free tier is for free cloud use AND also for selfhosting.
The paid selfhosting tier is for professional support.
This is common in rolling releases
w a t ???
Probably should have given all of the evidence to the police instead of deleting some of it.
In most western jurisdictions platform operators are not liable for user content, (as long as they cooperate with the authorities) so nothing for you to worry about.
Next time, don’t do anything, no deleting, no blocking, contact the police and ask them what they would like you to do. Maybe they’d even would want to letting them keep posting for a while to gather more data on the offenders, but idk how they deal with selfhosted stuff tbh…
(this is not legal advice)
(Also I totally understand that you don’t want your other users seing that kind of stuff. I know nothing about the matrix moderation tools, so maybe the media is on the server db somewhere … might be relevant to figure that out)
Edit: this does not apply if you live in an authoritarian police state or third world country, like OP apparently does.
codeberg, gitlab, github etc.
You can go to those and find a list of public projects and filter by (some of) your criteria.
the AUR is already kind of like a git without a forge under the hood (albeit not for the usual git purpose). You authenticate with your arch account, which is also used for the forum (and maybe also the wiki)
Thank you very much for pointing this out.
I completely forgot to mention this, since I’ve been running compute modules with nvme’s for ages.
Just to add a further alternative: The pine64 soquartz baseboards are also compatible with rpi compute modules.
Also for extra saving: by the time you buy all that, there are a lot of second hand office mini PCs that are considerably cheaper on ebay.
If it is for home use, why not go with a raspberry pi (or similar, there are lots of cheaper alternatives like it) which is only accessible from the local network and not from the internet?
If access through the internet is needed, you can use one of many free dyndns services. (e.g duckdns.org)
You could also look into existing projects and maybe contribute instead of building from scratch, but thats up to you. Through a quick search I found https://github.com/FSchiltz/Helse
Why is gnome’s father so unsupportive of their child’s shape? I think he should be more body positive.
Thats expensive
With a very nieche benefit. I doubt that one core can chug enough to make any significant bandwith
Same dude… I fucking hate gtk apps on kde because of the fucked up theming shit piss cunt wankers