Have you read the Bible?
Have you read the Bible?
Christian democrats? Why is Politico for cutting welfare then?
Because they are part of the Springer imperium. Which Is about as far right as you can get without supporting the far right too obviously.
Java edition is easy to selfhost, did it as a docker stack a while ago. Apart from that, it really depends on what addons etc. your players are usually playing. Most things can be done with not too much effort, but that’s probably the thing you need to find out.
Don’t use external drives as non-temporary storage. Backups etc, fine, but not as a replacement for internal storage. It will only lead to headaches at some point. Especially as you have one extra slot.
Yeah, no.
Yes. For the effects, look up pictures of the damage that space debris has on spacecrafts.
You can add caraway seeds if you like, but realistically you really don’t need more that cabbage and salt.
Feels like blaming others for not paying attention.
You could tun a TOR relay.