according to the linked article, it sounds like it is for performance reasons.
I do suspect Qi is a useful abstract concept for focusing and activating parts of our physiology. But while it feels like a single thing (“energy”), it is more a very complex bunch of processes the same way our consciousness feels like a single thing, but is actually a very complex bunch of processes.
I’m just going to use this opportunity to publicly grieve again for Winamp fake becoming open-source:
GitHub here:
Ai2 make as much of their training data available as possible:
Appreciate it! The last audiobook I picked up from Libro is Kara Swisher’s “Burn Book”. Not sure if it’s your thing, but was totally worth it for understanding more personal context around the big Tech CEOs from the last 25 years.
Is this Club Penguin?
Ah okay, cheers for the info! I’m new to US-based sources
I grew up as a Christian. When I was around 15, someone asked me “if I hadn’t been born a Christian, would I be a Christian?” Considering it, I opened my Bible and immediately a verse popped out (in classic God fashion) saying “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have”
So then I felt called even more to really explore, based on that:
The more I explored these arguments, as well as gaining a better understanding of what the Bible actually is (in a historical and literature sense), more and more of the belief system unraveled, eventually to the point I didn’t call myself a Christian anymore.
Then over the next decade I went back and forth exploring alternative denominations in Christianity, as well as other religions (Daoism, Buddhism, Judaism), especially as I still felt a “spiritual pull” / intuition in a lot of situations. So it took me a really long time to separate that intuitive sense of direction from the belief system around the Holy Spirit specifically, and learn where trusting that intuition is effective, and where it can be misleading. That’s been the most complex part of all of this.
I still enjoy exploring other belief systems, components of Christianity, and connecting with whatever that intuition is occasionally, as I do think there is a lot there for human psychological and emotional health that Western modernity sorely lacks. (I suspect this hole in our culture is why a lot of fundamental US Evangelism has flourished btw)
But that’s how I lost my faith - God gave me the push I needed :P
I highly recommend Kara Swisher’s recent book “Burn Book” for insights into the Tech lads like Brin, etc, as she’s known most of them since the 90s.
Really helps contextualize the crazy cocktail of engineering/commercial power with general naivety a lot of these guys have going.
Might not be exactly what you have in mind, but I have a separate browser that has set as Home the following state-owned or aligned news sources from around the world to check different perspectives on current headlines: - Britain - Australia - China - US Right-wing - US Left-wing (@GuyFawkes recommends MSNBC over CNN here) - Russia - Saudi Arabia - Germany - Argentina - South Africa - India - Canada - Brazil - Singapore - United Nations - Australia, but more multicultural perspective
I would just like to push back and say that the Internet was an open public project, and it has helped countless people across the world. Every single problematic tech that people are pointing to at the moment are closed-source commercial projects.
That is Capitalism at work.
Bloomberg and others are funding the Paris agreement for the US, where the government pulled out:
I really hope an explanation is forthcoming as to why they need all data. It is concerning that a “privacy-focused” browser doesn’t take the time to explain that.
Until they do, I think I’m gonna give WaterFox a whirl.
For sure, thanks!
If you’re into audiobooks, I strongly recommend instead - it’s all DRM free downloads, so you never lose access.
Just started exploring Linux Studio Plugins last weekend! I’ve heard Ardour is good, but I’m sticking to $0 options if I can help it. That way people don’t need access to credit cards, etc, to use the software
In other news: