Body glide blister balm, and laundry wash sheets (so much tidier than washing powder!).
Most of my other stuff seems standard to me…
Body glide blister balm, and laundry wash sheets (so much tidier than washing powder!).
Most of my other stuff seems standard to me…
Those gl-inet routers are really handy. Great if you have a bunch of wireless devices too, login to the hotel wifi with one device, spoof on the router that device’s MAC, then you have “one” device hooked up to the hotel wifi… And everything else connects to a pre setup wifi network and you don’t have to login on all of them.
Once female speaking time reaches 30% or more, males believe that the females are dominating the speaking time.
Female encroachment on what has traditionally been considered male spaces is not taken well. Female empowerment is considered taking from deserving males.
Essentially the general male population don’t like females, and only tolerate them as a subservient subclass who should be seen and not heard.
EDIT: This should probably annoy you a little too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt2qCjL6-n4
And it may also explain why people complain that there should only ever be one female character - it minimises the chances of males having to watch two females interact, because that would be excluding the male experience and they couldn’t possibly relate to two females interacting.
EDIT2: comments in that video do claim there are more scenes… whether or not that really adds much is up to you.
When someone says it’s quiet at work, suddenly all these emergencies come in…