As a muscle car driver in the past, oddly, the sound is a big deal. The sound scratches some primal itch. A muscle car sounds like mechanical power. It’s hard to explain, it vibrates through the pedal, so I guess it’s sort of a human-machine interface feature. But also emotional. A lot going on there, I actually find that dimension of the design real interesting, most potential buyers hate what they attempted.
I can see how the corporate suits and engineers wouldn’t get it. But surely at least some of their engineers are gearheads? They tried to replicate it, and just widely missed the mark to most folks. It sounds really shitty in the videos I’ve seen.
You’re right, tho, the simple answer… it’s fake. It’s much more expensive than it used to be, and it’s clearly imitation. Nobody likes being a sucker, and a bad deal like that makes the buyer a sucker.
That is an absolute no-brainer. Pay aside, take care of family.
That’s the whole purpose of the pay anyhow, money is just an odd totem that we allow to take care of our families.
Plus, you get to hang out with the little one for 3 months! Your wife loves you even better. It’s wins all the way down.