Solo una, es solo el primer nivel del vale. El jefe que había antes era ligeramente molesto, lo cambié y se me puso este. Terrible decisión jaja
Solo una, es solo el primer nivel del vale. El jefe que había antes era ligeramente molesto, lo cambié y se me puso este. Terrible decisión jaja
Abscribe to several faiths to maximise the chances of picking the good one and getting a good afterlife
Minmaxing the afterlife, huh
the nose Balrog
Eaten by a living supercomputer that thirsts for dimensional conquest
that stays up
oh yeah, I also got her dm, I wondered what was that about
Right? If you don’t want to swear you don’t need to swear, what’s the point of using asterisks lol
Yeah, I got a very early Bloodstone and an Ankh a bit later.
I was just scrapping by until I got Chad and that and some lucky cards got me past ante 8. I just got Oops all six and was looking for a Lucky cat when I fucked up and rerolled a mildly annoying boss into this one :')