I can’t be responsible for changing others. That is an unfair request.
I can’t be responsible for changing others. That is an unfair request.
Spend money I don’t have to open myself to attacks for people I already say I dislike that don’t like to told what to do at all.
You would think. I still won’t go back to the gardening community. And will probably just stop participating in anything around here.
The problem is that there is still to few others than those types. The topic seems secondary. The mellow places are where it’s empty.
Its still a shame that I will never recommend this place to anyone I know until the community changes here.
Its a bit chicken and the egg cause we likely need one for the other. But with the users proclivity for bans, and blocks you end up with a user base even smaller and discussion that more feels like a battle to be right most of the time because intellectual superiority is looked up to rather than conversation.
I still think a community of people competing to be the most right in every comment section does not lead to actual community and doesn’t even help provide facts or info to most communities when there are not many niches to which people in here can participate in. Objective facts work best not in fandoms but in crafts. Like what glue doesn’t melt Styrofoam when doing prop building not which show or game is best.
I may be alone in this but I yearn for “the normies”.
Yeah the true crime has been how awful cut and beige all their clothing options are now. But they have always chased which ever group they think is in power and spending cash and I guess it’s wannabe trad upper middle class now, instead of queer upper middle class.
To be frank,
Constructive criticism has not been well received by anyone lately as apparently everyone just sees it as flat criticism and with the rise of internet echo chambers for every group, criticism in any form immediately points you as an other to be ignored.
People of all walks only want to hear what is convenient and self confirming.
And also, people are not ubermensch and do not just have a working plan that perfectly replaces this one the same way this one is ineffective. It will take conversation and community to figure out what works. No one can plan or act alone.
I have this insane thought that shorter bans but publicly stated when/why/how-long would be more beneficial to keeping a community aligned when it’s all we got. And that it would be harder to abuse and give insight into mods efforts.
But yeah I have said to others I intend to use it more as a link aggregator by effort but not community.