That’s definitely Mr.Pickles.
That’s definitely Mr.Pickles.
There are no “typical values” when you’re running a mill or lathe. You could look up “speeds and feeds”, but that’s really just a table that you plug into an equation to figure out how to set the machine. It all depends on what you’re doing and what you’re doing it with. Drilling a hole with a high speed steel drill bit is going to be a bit different than drilling it with a carbide spade, and all that is going to depend heavily on whether you’re trying to run through titanium or tin. You need to fine tune running “x” bit through “y” material for a “z” sized cut.
Essentially, this is the knowledge that separates skilled labor from manual labor, and machining is (was, RIP cnc button pushers) skilled labor.
At the end of the day for most metal machining you’ll need between 50hp and 100hp to be up to modern standards. If you want to get that through steam or electric motors or whatever that’s up to you
Torque is the real limiting factor. You can always gear up or down for whatever you’re working on, but at the end of the day you need enough torque to get the work done. And a proper milling machine needs A LOT of torque.
You don’t need an electric motor. You just need enough spin. I’ve seen old mills and lathes that run on steam. An electric motor just happens to be very convenient with our current technology.
Sure, but it’s not as impressive (imo) when you also need a computer control system, a bunch of circuitry and electronics, and a whole mess of software to make it work in the end. A mill just needs enough spin and it runs exactly as intended.
Pretty much anything in a machine shop made in the last 80 years or so. So many people turn up their noses at anything that isn’t computer controlled anymore. Yknow what a big old mill can do that a CNC can’t? It can make every single part needed to make a new mill. It’s a self replicating machine with the right know how. People don’t respect that kind of quality anymore.
It has the capability, but not the doctrine. Most nato countries have a mutually assured destruction policed enforced by secondary strikes in retaliation for a nuclear attack. France says “fuck that” and has a nuclear warning shot. None of the retaliatory nonsense. Clear aggression will be met with a limited nuclear strike and a dare to do something about it and start the real fireworks.
All “nuclear doctrine” is just outlining how far each country is willing to hold when playing chicken. America can afford to sit back and wait to retaliate because no one strike can feasibly take down every nuke America has. France doesn’t really have that option, so their public stance is to use nukes as soon as their ability to use said nukes could be compromised, hence preemptive nuclear option.
France has what NATO doesnt: a preemptive defense nuclear option.
You want carbs (energy) and protein (muscle). Stack up PB&Js. Dude I worked with in the coast guard would have two triple deck PB&J for lunch absolutely loaded with pb and j. You get your carbs from the bread, the protein and fat from the pb, plus sugars and a small amount of vitamins and shit from the j.
Why bother with gas if resources aren’t an issue? Something savagely luxurious about cooking over wood. Primal but decadent.
I’m just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment
Lmfao. You don’t beat the system by obeying the system. You burn it to the ground a build a new system, with hookers and blackjack.
“Seeing as your honor shows a 7, the prosecution will stand on 19.”
defense also with 17 “Hit us, your honor”
judge throws down a 4, half the courtroom bursts into cheers and the other into tears
You already know you’re a freak. Let that flag fly brother.
Bananas are only be opened from the seed side. Heretics who open the stem side will be mummified in banana strings after being purged so that they will be reminded of their hubris eternally.
You’d be surprised how slow machining can be. Cutting speeds are all in sfm (surface feet per minute) and when you have a BIG part, them feets add up quick. Check out videos of big old vertical lathes running big parts. You can get down to a quarter of an rpm but the flange or fitting is so fucking huge that you’re still pushing 100-200 sfm at the bit.