Samesies. About the only thing I ever go back for is askhistorians
Samesies. About the only thing I ever go back for is askhistorians
Easy fix: don’t buy this garbage to begin with. It’s terrible for the environment, terrible for your privacy, of dubious value to begin with.
If every man is an onion, one of my deeper layers is crumudgeon. So take that into account when I say fuck all portable speakers. I’m so tired of hearing everyone’s shitty noise. Just fucking everywhere. It takes one person feeling entitled to blast the shittiest music available to ruin everyone in a 500yd radius’s day. If this is you, I hope you stub your toe on every coffee table, hit your head on every door jam, miss every bus.
It’s called the “loose the five lowest and hope for the best but you actually draw two 2’s and two 4’s because fuck you” hand
I have tried it. Learned a good chunk of a second language in fact. Nice of you to assume and imply I’m a xenophobic ignoramus tho. Appreciate that.
And if you’ll go back to my original comment I never actually advocated for a complete stop to travel, only that we slow down and exercise some moderation.
Not to mention we have internet and readily available books on just about any topic you care to name. Much different situation than even 50ys ago as far expanding your own horizons goes. I know it’s not the same as being there but still.
And I’m no more willing to burn the planet for your cultural horizons than the next guys fruity cocktail.
A lot of colonizer mindset happening in this area
I asked two simple and reasonable questions. Still waiting.
8% ain’t nothing. I’d say reckoning with our travel habits and what we feel entitled to is a fundamental part of any solution.
It was an example of propping up a destructive practice for the benefit economy. One meant to illustrate dollars on an account sheet isn’t enough to justify a morally dubious practice.
I asserted earlier that these places would be poorer for the effects of climate change. You blew right past that into name calling and and a feeble attempt at twisting my words to ridiculous lengths. Care to comment?
Or perhaps you could explain how your gracing these places with your presence, allowing yourself to be served hand and foot, is the only path forward for these economies? There are so many ways to support a region, to lend a hand and invest in their future.
It’s like saying we have to keep supporting Israel because we don’t want to lose weapons sales. Nice name calling though. Brilliant rhetoric, really put me in my place.
Keep flying, consuming conspicuously. Fuck everyone else. Every generation to come. Fuck the animals, fuck the earth. You got yours right?
So we should prop up an objectively destructive sector of the economy? They’ll all be a hell of a lot poorer when huge swaths of the earth becomes much harder to survive in. And I’m extremely skeptical anything of that 8% of Egypt’s tourism money trikles down in a way that anyone would call fair or equitable.
And I’m sorry, but I’m not willing to burn down the planet so you can sip fruity drinks under a palm tree. Perhaps if we had invested in a rail system that was worth a damn it would be a different story. But here we are.
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but maybe we should all cool it on the tourism. It’s terrible for the environment, mostly terrible for whomever was calling that place home. I know so many people that spout off about the environment and then think nothing of hopping on multiple flights per year.
If I were king everyone would get travel passes twice. Once in their 20s and again in their 60s.
Stay home, read a book, plant a garden.
Lancaster surprised the hell out of me. I went there for work expecting another Podunk pa town and was pleasantly surprised.
Temp control would be at the top of my list. I don’t handle heat well. I think I’m evolutionary primed to chase other mammals across vast frozen tundra. Summers are tough and getting tougher.
Get in the habit of making bread. It’s not tough, especially when you get a system that works for you and your kitchen. There are few things in life as satisfying and wholesome as a fresh baked loaf!
Spring rolls. They are so much work. If you wanna do them right you have to start the night before. So many ingredients, the sauce. But they’re soooo good.
Welcome to the party! Can I offer you a cat pic in these trying times?
What i suspect happens is, a good design gets made. It is then “improved” by the M.B.A. having class.
Then marketing gets their say, useless shit and third party add-ons sloppily slapped on top.
Enter another round of “economizing” and a perfectly good design becomes enshittified.
I’ve noticed no one actually wants to change their habits. I know so many people who will spout off about the environment, then think nothing of flying thousands of miles multiple times per year on the flimsiest of pretexts. Think nothing of eating meat with every meal. Will look at you with horror when you suggest public transport.
When it comes down to it the vast majority of people are selfish af. They’ll justify whatever their greedy little hearts desire, then tell themselves they’re the hero of the story.
90 lurkers, nine commenters, and one poster?
That water looks pretty toxic. Probably alright for bathing and washing, but I wouldn’t take my word for even that much. I’d look to put that plot of land in a larger context. Is it near a mine or an industrial area? Is it a problem that can be fixed by drilling a new, deeper well in a different spot?
Im not sure I would buy a house with water like that, or at least have some heavy duty filters in place. Lead poisoning is no joke. Be careful