You just solved one of my childhood mysteries, the foam after microwaving. TIL
You just solved one of my childhood mysteries, the foam after microwaving. TIL
This depends on the water temperature. I boil mine, so I pour water first, wait a bit, then put the bag. If I do the other way around, sometimes the tea gets burnt and tastes too bitter, which I don’t like.
I could also heat the water to a lower temperature but I don’t have one of those fancy kettles with temp selection, and I usually get distracted to interrupt the kettle before it boils. But, if the water is hot enough already but not just boiled, then I’ll put the bag first, then the water second.
This, you just need light hitting wet pavement in the wrong angle and you won’t see any road markings.
I resonate with this answer. I should practice more that “repeat calmly I got all day” strategy.
I guess, although cure for baldness would also be directly beneficial for women as well
Nice, good on you. Sounds like your management was down to earth
Bacon Lettuce Thing
Ah lucky you. Unfortunately we don’t have bouncers here and security sucks. We’re in a mall and it takes them about half an hour to get to us if we call them. Useless
I haven’t seen an entitled British making a fuss though and we get lots of people from UK.
Missed opportunity to Photoshop a pooch face on that burrito child
Either a fight with a massive reptile or lethal attraction to a strong light source, not sure
The guy looks ok similar enough to the meme ( here his hairdo looks like a combed mop though) but the ladies don’t resemble the meme that much. I recognize them from their hair and clothing, not so much the faces.
I tried it and it seems I’m one of those people sensitive to the formula so after a few days I had bleeding gums and constant pain. I stopped using it and things went back to normal.
I tried two more times with different varieties, thinking perhaps I got a bad batch or maybe whatever irritates me wouldn’t be present in other sensodyne variety but no. Same results. Dentist said it happens to some people.
I don’t identify with either my country of birth (where I lived until I was 19) or the country I currently reside in. Of course I have a strong influence from both, especially where I grew up, and I find it’s easier for me to understand the culture there but that doesn’t mean I resonate or identify with it.
Tough one, hard to say how to protect myself against something I don’t understand how it works not even remotely. From your scenario I gather you ask for a method of recovery, not so much protection.
Presuming this technology is relatively accessible but you can’t do anything to properly prevent someone else from tampering with your mind, my first thought would be to add to myself some sort of “panic shutdown” method, ie. some lethal substance that kills me as soon as someone attempts to do something to my memory, or maybe I can be the one triggering it- it could be something more rudimentary like always carrying with me a lethal pill or something. You get the idea.
Now to recover my memory, that’s tricky. I don’t think there is a foolproof way of preserving memory that would work because whoever intervened in my mind could easily make me forget either where I stored my memories as well as any other relevant methods to verify they’re the real deal. I could say I’d have a buddy system in which I would rely on someone else to bring me back to my senses, but if the intervention also removed my trust in this person then that’s no use either.
I understand all Nazis are fascists, but not all fascists are Nazis
That’s a really nice one, but they would, eventually, find a horse fossil with a horseshoe on.
Username checks out I guess :)