• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • Tmux has probably some specific features Kitty won’t do as good as a native multiplexer? (sorry I’m not the right person to ask this question :s) but It has the features I’m looking for without the need to install one.

    It was quite cumbersome to configure a terminal + a multiplexer on MacOS to behave how I liked it. Kitty solved this issue while being fast, simple and a lot of customization in one single app.

    One feature that was really important, copy/past over SSH with Micro which involved quite a hacky thing with iTerm2 + Tmux.Also being able to split my windows, create tabs…

    But as I said I have only basic use cases and can’t really say If Kitty’s multiplexing features are on par with Tmux. However, during my web search I read about a lot of people far more knowledge than myself who actually switch to kitty from Tmux without regrets !

  • This really looks great, I got a question though. As I understand it, it works based on your bash_history which can be very small or autodeleted after each poweroff for privacy & security reasons.

    So it doesn’t work in that case. However, creating a file containing a list or array? Of commands could that be a possible way to implemented a similar behavior?

    I’m asking because I’m not very proficient in any programming language but have done some small bash scripts here and there and quite interested in this functionality !

  • Tell that to my back/arm pain I had for months after a Ski accident… After 4 session and one good knack I literally felt how everything got back in place.

    I felt so exhausted and somehow strange like a little bit drunk… But after a few weeks the pain went away ! Like magic !

    So yeah, science can’t prove everything but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work or has some positive benefits ! Science has also been wrong numerous times or has been controlled by conflict of interests… What ever, choose your poison !

  • I’m not very acquainted with any programming language so maybe I’m wrong here (or I didn’t get the joke? XD) but bash didn’t change much in the past few years, I even read some scripts more than 10 years still works because the syntax stays the same (or doesn’t change a lot …)

    Compared with the switch from python 2 -> python 3 I read a lot of people pulling their hair off xD

  • The only thing I don’t install via that way is Firefox addons.

    Any specific reason why? Yesterday I installed LibreWolf and saw at the same time a few addons in the AUR.

    Do you know what’s the difference from an AUR addon or the official Firefox addon repo?

    I guess It would be for security reasons because you never know if someone has tempered with the addon.