Have you seriously never consumed hotsauce? Salad dressing? Mustard? Pickles?
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
Have you seriously never consumed hotsauce? Salad dressing? Mustard? Pickles?
It works best with a savory batter in a Belgian-style deep waffle iron. You need both real maple syrup and a vinegary hotsauce. Bone-in fried chicken is best, especially thigh. Put the hotsauce on the chicken and the syrup on the waffle, cut a bit of each and eat all four components together in one bite… it’s transcendent.
I didn’t get it either until I tried it. It’s a combination of sweet and fat and heat and salt and acid but also fluffy-crispy waffle texture and crunchy-silky fried chicken texture. It’s almost everything good about eating in a single bite.
Because all their contacts and photos are already there.
You’re absolutely right, but I’ve only seen this abominable act in a microwave… and even then only on television.
First the filter, then the loose leaves, then water.
Heating water in the mike is fine. Heating already-made tea in the mike is fine. Heating water with a teabag in it in the microwave is the vilest act.
Toronto, IIRC
I get my manager. That’s their job, it’s generally what the customer wants anyway, and I’m not paid enough to take abuse.
I’d call the police, she’s in middle school.
Around 55 cubic feet, or 2 cubic meters. That’s about 20% over the capacity of our bookshelves, so we weed regularly but we also keep getting more books. On top of that I read about six full-length ebooks a month and another physical book from the library.
We buy some new but also swap books via the local mutual aid networks. All the ebooks I get from my friend Roger, he’s very jolly. And Dolly Parton sends my youngest child a book every month because she’s cool like that.
Boxers in most weather, longjohns in the deep of winter.
If your boxers ride up, you’ve got the wrong size. They are supposed to hang loose.
I keep hearing this, but to me, they’re the suburbs of underwear: All the disadvantages of both boxers and briefs and few of the advantages.
I feel bad while doing so. They’ve made it so unpleasant, I just want to read my HFY subscriptions in peace.
No. Few things are fair about either.
Something like Crystal or Frank’s is about right. I find that McIlhenney’s and Cholula don’t have the right flavor profile I’m looking for.