On accepte le Canada dans l’UE MAIS les québécois doivent devenir belges :D
On accepte le Canada dans l’UE MAIS les québécois doivent devenir belges :D
Oui oui
How do I fit my coke addiction in your filtered water?
Stop running away from the bombs!
The good guys
Time for the 6th republic! With blackjack and hookers this time!
France is all about Germany ever since we got married to Germany with Merkel
Where’s my potash?
They come from horseriding, helps stay in stirrups
So on top of pollution it enables crime? Great
For porn 🎶
Apparently redstone has issues in a vacuum
Can’t be healthy if you’re not sick 🤔
France always tries to copy the US with a 10y delay so… Yeah 🤷
Yeah if theres a control and 1 kid buy alcohol the business is done for and the owner is in for a lot of troubles too
I’m from Europe and somehow I got carded like 3 or 4 times in my life and I was 18+ at the time even though I bought stuff like alcohol before that. It feels so weird to me but now that I’m older I’m shocked of all the things I got away with
Poland shaking hard right now
The guillotine?