Foreign Delivery Man of God. Yanker of Pizzles. Demon Pointer Outer. Possible Podbot.
Lmao yeah sometimes. Since I mostly shitpost I just assume that the posts have had the intended effect of either making people laugh or working them up a little about something they care about. Just enough to make them share some stuff they’re really passionate about. I like hearing people’s unfiltered opinions.
Since “woke” is their enemy the moves kind of make sense tbh. Europe is too free for them. Who else fights woke and loves “Christian values”? Russia.
I’m personally waiting on Cosmic to be stable, then I’ll run it on my laptop.
Seems good. I trust France more to work in the interest of Europe than I trust the US. Because a safer Europe is in the interest of France. The US can just move on, France is right here.
Yeah that’s true. Nevermind then. Fuck 'em.
It’s sad. On the other hand, good riddance. Though I would’ve preferred a legal outcome.
See following comment chain.
My friend told me stories of that one but I’m pretty sure she hasn’t seen it herself.