I swapped to Gemini for a month or two. Kept thinking to myself “maybe I’m not speaking clearly,” and other justifications. Turns out it just sucks. Now I just do everything manually. Fuck em.
sadly removes can of ass beans
I thought it was a mouse
Literally had poo leaving my body as I read this
So when you pee, technically, it’s just pee, but when it hits the bottom of the cup it naturally carbonates itself and becomes piss. Regardless of what you do, unless you pee into a vacuum cleaner, you’ll always end up with piss when you pee.
But everyone knows you can’t drink carbonated piss because it makes your skin look like you’re wearing tons of fake tanner and gives you circles around your eyes. Could also cause you to look like a caveman who was born from the act of a chimp mouthfucking a hamburger puppet. So you gotta let it go back into pee before you can drink it.
How dare you compare a normal piss drinker to that phony
Don’t threaten me with a good time
Fairly obvious, really, but nice to have confirmation
To be fair, it is one form of centralization; although, I admit, I was twisting the meaning of the term a bit to fit my sarcastic remark.
That being said, as primarily a shitposting lurker who only occasionally actually creates content designed for sharing, I don’t mind the extra communities. I’m no stranger to seeing reposts, and I get my kicks from leaving the odd comment that may or may not spawn some sort of rant (usually from myself, not the other parties), but hopefully just tickles someone, and then scrolling to the next. If it’s the same thing, I just keep scrollin’.
I could see how it would be irritating to post to multiple communities designed around the same idea, but perhaps the solution is more like turning each community into an aggregate of all similar communities. You could opt your community into a master community, and any post made in one would get shared to all of them.
Yeah let’s just centralize all of this bullshit.
That’s a weird way of spelling “I need someone to touch my prostate”