The call is coming from inside the house
“If you were able to overlook a genocide and cast a vote for Harris, you already know how a conservative was able to overlook Trump’s extremism and vote for him.” – Historian Robin D.G. Kelley
The call is coming from inside the house
They want you to use “apps” even if said “apps” don’t need to be more than a website
“Arab country bad”
Edit: the downvotes just prove my point, as if it matters if an Arab country you are likely to never visit had your location data or not.
While I have your attention, check your propaganda
deleted by creator
You are welcome. Don’t feel bad about it, in Arabic p and b, and f and v, sound the same and are often confused. Pepsi gets transliterated as بيبسي bibsi for example, Arabic also doesn’t have e or o. I just wish people wouldn’t start conspiracy theories based on transliterations. In some languages election and erection are easily confused, now that could be the seed for a fun conspiracy.
In Arabic عبادة (worship) and إبادة (extermination) sound nothing alike and are obviously spelled differently, the past tense (root form) of each is very different عبد vs باد. However transliterated into English and many other languages they end up being the same: ibadah. Other words that are sometimes confused by non-Arabic speakers include مكة (Makkah) and المقة (Almaqah) which sound nothing alike in Arabic but has been a source of conspiracies among non-Arabic speakers who think that they are etymologically related.
This more or less. Not only all the different religions that people sincerely believe in, but also the diversity within each religion, too. If they can’t make up their mind how can I?
Karoushi is the new cool trend. Everyone is doing it.
India is the largest English-speaking country. At some point their dialect should become the standard rather than the deviation.
Tacit racism. She is a US citizen of Chinese background. Why have her face on the flag of the Empire of Japan if the subliminal message wasn’t yellow peril?
I’m so glad that I lost my job in 2016 and had to cancel my Tesla Model 3 reservation. When I eventually got a better paying job in 2017 I played it safe -assumed I could lose it at any moment- and bought a Chevrolet Spark which has served me well.