is anything that is a “corporation” a valid answer? that’s pretty par for the course sadly. Once you hit public trade usually is when it happens
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
is anything that is a “corporation” a valid answer? that’s pretty par for the course sadly. Once you hit public trade usually is when it happens
I have it on by default, until its abused. Once it’s abused it’s never getting it back
Complete and utter disregard for their Linux community and their reliability when they swapped off p2p and onto cloud based infrastructure was a pretty big one. It was crashing multiple times a day during that stage.
They also appear on the main screen, as you’re browsing and on shorts
It depends on your job designation(and region tbh). Out of my personal experience in the states, If you are a “contractor” you are expected to pay for everything, but if you are an “employee” then the company is expected to pay for any additional training past what you brought to the table when you were hired. If they say that they are changing the job requirements and they now require you to get the next level license to continue your job, they must pay for that process, that is not something the employee is required to pay for.
Being said, it sounds like OP is being pushed a “if you want to be promoted you must do this” type of deal, which is completely fair as it’s an optional thing to gain more money, but you can’t push that as a requirement to keep your job without also putting yourself at risk of an employment case either under wage theft, improper dismissal or an unemployment claim if they did decide to fire the employee.
I am lending my employer some of my personal time. Therefor if they want more, they need to pay for it. This ideology that you are owned by your company is shitty and needs to stop.
“I don’t feel it is in my personal benefit to spend my energy and time outside of work, chasing a end goal that will not favor me personally. This certificate was not a requirement for me being hired, and I am not being reimbursed for said spent time and energy. If this is something that the company is interested in pursuing, I am more than happy to continue working on it as long as I am reimbursed for my time. A chance at promotion with no compensation in current day, does not guarantee enough of a reward for it to be worth my time.”
Know your worth OP, companies will burn you time and time if they think they can. Don’t learn the hard way like I did, or my grandfather did (he did a masters degree fully out of pocket because there was an increase in pay involved + a massive bonus, the removed the bonus and halved the increase in pay the year he graduated). It’s a well known scam used by employers in specialized fields to avoid having to actually pay for training and certs.
Additionally you may want to note that if they try to say that you need to cert to stay at the company, mention that in that case it’s mandatory training and you are supposed to be paid for time spent, and if they refuse look into an employment lawyer for wage theft.
I fell for New World myself.
Even played the beta and saw how empty it was, but nope I continued on.
Fully agree, but also after an event the extent that CEO did, that’s going to be held over their head for years to come. The easiest way to get it out of the air is stopping the constant engagement that’s encouraging it. Mastodon was a pretty large source of that.
now with #ADS, please tap the x to continue changing your GPS.
I think I agree. I would be fine with an infotainment system that:
My malibu meets 2 and 3, but the fact that if the infotainment system breaks it cripples the entire car, puts me on edge. This would be mitigated if actual functionality was outside of it, and that the touch screen was just a control layer.
thank god. I hope this trend migrates to other countries. The amount of effort/distraction for touch screens combined with the additional cost of having to replace full on infotainment systems is annoying.
Yea, not many sites bother but, the action makes it so much better, especially if the main content was supposed to be something that the user is supposed to digest such as a recipe or wiki site.
The @media print
css at-rule makes it super easy as well. just hide everything but what you want to show, and adjust the margins how you like it.
omg point 2 makes me want to leave the site.
So many sites do this with “trending” or “new” content. Like youtube used to repeat your shorts every 3 or 4 rows of video to try and convince you to watch shorts. Drove me crazy at the time because I have no interest in them.
Which is dumb because CSS allows you to change the design based off screen size, so it’s 100% developer laziness.
Cookies should also have an immediate one-click reject-all button
I’m actually fairly certain that to be GDPR compliant they are supposed to have that. At the very least it isn’t supposed to default to “accept all” either.
Browser incompatibilities.
I use Firefox, Firefox is not a niche/unused browser. There is ZERO excuse for your web forms or pages to not work correctly because I’m using it. At the very least, all sites should be compatible with the latest form of Edge (gross), Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Those are considered Mainstream browsers. If your site fails to work on them properly, that’s one of the easiest ways to make me disappear off the site.
Another big UI thing is infinite load pages. I don’t care about the next article in line, give the user a sidebar or bottom container that contains related content, then I as a user can decide to click it or not.
And one last thing that many don’t take into consideration. Have a functional print layout of the page. So many sites don’t bother making a print layout but, as a user if I see something that I like, I might save it to a PDF, or print it out to show the family. When I do that I don’t need the headers(except maybe the title box?), banners, footers, splash screen, ad boxes, comments etc. I only really need the main body content. The print layout will show the URL if enabled, so I can always find my way back to the page without it. A lot of times if I am doing this, it’s because it’s significantly easier to show my family then having to somehow get them to visit the page.
I want to add, as someone who was in charge of reprovisioning high school laptops during training. Please only sticker bomb computers you actually own if it’s a system that you’ve been lent from a school district or employer please leave the stickers elsewhere. It looks cute and cuddly, but I assure you the next person in line is not going to be impressed with the permanent sticker marks from where the stickers had been on which had unequal fading
It’s perfectly legal to own any type of lock picking tool in all of the states in the US, as long as you are not using it for malicious purpose. But there are four states that have increased scrutiny on if you are caught out in public with them: Ohio Nevada Virginia and Mississippi, but it’s completely legal to have lock picking as a hobby(although some states require registration to do it professionally)
fully agree, the only way I’m ok with fair use for AI is if the resulting product is public use. Even if they want to charge for the product to use their frontend, give the ability to use the system local (if your system can support it) much like how most self hosting software does it