What are you talking about? Most Tesla owners are progressives. This whole thing is a gut punch to Tesla owners.
What are you talking about? Most Tesla owners are progressives. This whole thing is a gut punch to Tesla owners.
The whole damn situation was a trap.
I think there are a lot of gunky software out there that only works on Windows. I tried getting my mom on Linux but I was unable to find any good open source sewing and graphic alternatives to the expensive lock in hardware that she had already bought.
Although I doubt these are the kind of road blocks charities are facing.
Hmm. I wonder if the server i just launched was number 600 😁😁🔥😁
I feel like I’ve seen this headline about 15 times already
10 years ago up you’d be doing some “devops” to get going. These days it’s actually easier than windows on many dostros
I just call it what it is. All those you say are attributed to the president’s policies.
So maybe I’m also calling that too.
I’ve heard the Bush recession a few. I’ve also heard it called the Obama recession from some obvious bootlickers trying to rewrite history but that don’t make sense since Obama administration reversed it.
2008 was known for the Great Bush recession.
2025 will be known for the Great MuskRat Depression that Trumped all other depressions.
This time though the U.S. will feel the brunt
Jinjer is pretty badass. The vocals are top notch in both ends of the spectrum.
I didn’t realize that was only 50 thousand users. Muddy have been only 5000 in 2023 during the API Exodus.
Thanks. This is good to know.
Why can’t it just be automatic?
Customizing my development setup is enough for me.
Then I guess the better question is what do you use?
And interestingly enough my phone crapped out on this post. But at least I was still able to read the the post.
Is not Fedora independent of red hat?
Except for the upstream (or downstream since they are bleeding edge) development, I always assume they are isolated from red hat influence.
Nice PR stunt for Big Chicken & Waffle \s